
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Temper, temper

JULY 5--The Big Gulp was on the other foot Sunday night in Florida, where a 7-Eleven worker was arrested for striking a female customer in the head with a large cup of lemonade. 

Cops allege that clerk Miles Taz Jenkins, 35, “got frustrated with a customer over payment” and “threw a Big Gulp filled with lemonade” at the woman.


  1. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

  2. From link - "The alleged battery is being charge as a felony due to Jenkins having a prior conviction for sexually battering a young girl (a crime for which he served several years in custody)."

    O.K., sexually battering a young girl is bad, but what's it got to do with throwing Big Gulps?

  3. Was probably nasty sweaty sock, bra or panty money.
    - WDS

  4. How the hell do you upgrade a non-felony, non-injury assault charge to a felony because of a prior?


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