
Thursday, July 20, 2023

I'm sorry, a what is on the loose where?

LONDON -- A suspected lion is loose in Berlin, prompting authorities in Germany to send emergency alerts to thousands of people in Berlin warning them to stay indoors.


  1. "but lions are not native to the country..." Another illegal African immigrant I guess,

  2. A lion on the loose eating feral hogs? So, what's the problem?

  3. So what nefarious programme does the Gubmint there need more privacy to accomplish? No pesky citizens snooping around with phone cameras.

  4. This is what I worry about. There are more tigers in Texas than there are in the wild in their native lands. This is exactly how you end up with a feral tiger population. People wonder why I keep my .45-70 guide gun with Buffalo Bore 405's handy all the time. Something bad is going to happen.

    1. Lions in Berlin, tigers in Texas, bears in Miami, oh my!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ...and Ligers in Idaho...

    4. It’s pretty much my favorite animal….

    5. Those chickens have talons ?????

    6. AnonymousJuly 20, 2023: As far as I know, the Lions and Tigers are still in Detroit (if only because no other city wants them), and the Bears and Cubs in Chicago.

  5. It's obvious. Leo the MGM lion is on strike so it has plenty of time to moonlight as an emotional support animal for a person on a German site-seeing tour.

  6. A "suspected" lion? Of what is he suspected? Or do they just suspect that he may be a lion?

    1. The person who called it in thought it was a lion, but he's probably not a biologist. I'd put the odds about 50-50 of misidentification versus unreported escaped lion - but what except another species of big cat could be misidentified as a lion? A bear???

    2. Um, a mountain LION? If you'll review your 5th grade biology class, you'll see that a bear is not a species of big cat that can be mistaken as a lion.

  7. Another great example of journalism in the toilet:
    "A suspected lion is loose in Berlin, prompting authorities in Germany to send emergency alerts to thousands of people in Berlin warning them to stay indoors."
    A "suspected lion"? IS it a fucking lion or is it not? If not a lion then WTF is it?

  8. Maybe the lion will thin out some of the chimpanzees they imported from africa...

    1. Lions aren't fond of monkey meat if there's anything else to eat. If a pride of lions are recently fed and resting, a troop of bamboos will wander right through the middle of the lions - and some of the young males will try to impress the females by posturing threats at the lions. My guess is that once proto-humans started carrying spears and ganging up a half dozen on one lion, lions evolved to instinctively avoid anything smelling of humans. Because apes and monkeys were never a major part of their diets, they did not learn to distinguish their scents from human; it was simpler just to avoid attacking any primate except at great need.

      But if it's a leopard - a cat that hunts monkeys and stashes extra meat for later, so it's always potentially on the hunt - those same young male baboons will rely on the principle "I don't have to outrun the big cat, I just have to outrun that female baboon with a baby".

  9. I would encourage everyone to go about their normal life. Panicked & dumb is no way to go through life.

    Telling people to stay indoors increases the risk of those who do go outdoors. Its a large city, any individual's odds of attack are low; probably lower than getting conked on the head by a falling brick.

  10. Suspected lion ???? It's pretty easy to tell if it's a lion or not, why the confusion..

  11. Because the propagandist is not sure that the animal self-identifies as a lion, regardless of its' actual species or gender.
    John in Indy


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