
Thursday, July 27, 2023

IRS ends unannounced revenue officer visits to taxpayers

WASHINGTON — As part of a larger transformation effort, the Internal Revenue Service today announced a major policy change that will end most unannounced visits to taxpayers by agency revenue officers to reduce public confusion and enhance overall safety measures for taxpayers and employees.


  1. Yeah, I guess blowing away a few Revenuers might cause a change in policy.

  2. > enhance overall safety measures for ... employees

    Smart move.
    I answer my door while armed.

    If you don't have a warrant, you will be told to walk directly back to your vehicle and take the shortest path to get the fuck off my property.

    The county assessor drove onto my property the first year we were here and I kicked her out.

    The new county assessor drove onto my property about 4 years ago and I threw her out too. I called the Sheriff and told them the assessors were officially trespassed off my property, and I cited the relevant state laws. If they come back, I will be forced to defend myself.

    Now they have a note in my record. Every year they park on the road and look down my driveway to take notes. I come out with my phone and start recording them and they drive off.

    I also get alerts from the drone flight database. When they start flying around the county, I always make sure I register my drone flight and renew it every hour during the day. Then I spend the next few days flying my drone around with the kids. If they fly their drone and there's a collision, it'll be their fault.


  3. "will end most unannounced visits to taxpayers"

    The magic word is "Most ". Just like the words "May or Could" in any unbelievable offer

    Believe me if the government wants to get you you'll b left out of the "Most" category.

    1. ...or, there are new job classifications within the IRS, given their new weaponry. Maybe they have added Apprehension Officers to augment their agency revenue officers, which will remain in the IRS office.

  4. Sounds like they won’t be needing them 87,000 new hires. Time for a big fucking layoff.
    And let’s not stop at just the IRS when that starts.

    TMF Bert

  5. They are afraid they will get shot.....

  6. So? They can now do everything they want against you from a distance. From an air-conditioned office they can shut down your business, steal your money, kick you out of your job or home, seize all your assets.

    No need at all to go door-to-door.

  7. Six acres, a backhoe, oh, and a 12ga by the door, nearest neighbor wouldn’t hear it and would probably help if he did.

  8. No trespassing means exactly that!

  9. WestcoastDeplorableJuly 27, 2023 at 7:23 PM

    Why should there be ANY unannounced IRS "home visits"? Do these gov workers not know how to make an appointment?

    1. When they think there are indicators of fraud or criminal activity and there is a risk that records will be destroyed.

  10. The day is coming when the postal carrier is your worst enemy. Get rid of your mailbox. Heed me

  11. If it is anything like calling the IRS for tax help, it will take 14 hours of wait time before they take your name off their home-raid list. And they will do this one at a time, while continuing to home-raid the remaining names on the list. And the list is maintained in some obsolete computer system in an archaic computer language that only their hired consultants can deal with, and he only works two half-days a week.


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