
Monday, July 10, 2023

Most Satisfying Machines and Ingenious Tools

Pause everything, because we have something special for you! Whether you want to know about the latest innovations or just enjoy watching amazing satisfying machines and coolest ingenious tools in action, you won’t want to miss this!

VIDEO HERE  (14:41 minutes)


Man, I love watching machinery run.


  1. WOW all these ingenious & marvilous machines in a country that can only produce a fucking demented asshole for president.

    1. Look closer. A lot of those machines say "Ching-Chow" something or other...

    2. That's because politics is a people problem, not a technical one.

  2. Humanity has labored to produce a better civilization with advanced technology, a benefit to all. But then, the progressive liberal was born.

  3. Youtube won't play on my PC. Can it be found on Bitchute?

  4. You and me, both, Kenny. I got to setup and run some pretty cool shit when I was a kid doing an apprenticeship as a tool and die maker. Then I lost my mind and stayed in the Army for a little over two decades. By the time I retired, the tool and die world had left me in the dust. I can still run the old machines, but CAD and digital machines are better and faster. Still need old dudes to grind the tooling and set em up, though. Eod1sg Ret

  5. Yeah, work fascinates me. I can watch people do that shit for hours.

  6. You ought to see a 10 axis Star "swiss lathe" make spinal surgical fasteners. The thread milling on an impossible axis is a credit to the programmer that wrote the macro that made it possible.
    I'm not the guy that wrote the program, but watched the machine run, wondering how the F did he do that.

  7. Turn off the audio! That announcer is f'n annoying. End of every sentence he sounds like he's going to heave up his guts.

    1. The combination of that voice and the music is more annoying than those robo voices.

  8. I agree with above commenters that it is fascinating watching those machines run; there is beauty in their function. What always gets me is the mind that came up with those ~ the timing and symmetry is awesome.

    1. Bobo- I spent the better part of six years running what's called a telescoping boom stroke delimber. It processes whole trees into logs and has a boom within a boom that allows its processing head to extend 43'. It was always a complete marvel to me in the way it worked. In the time I ran it I must have thought "Who thinks up stuff like this?" at least a thousand times.

  9. Some pretty cool stuff.

    This was on the sidebar & is interesting too.


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