
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Move along, move along, nothing to see here

Furious Republicans have said the Secret Service will be closing the White House cocaine investigation without finding any suspects. 

GOP Rep. Tim Burchett said agents 'just decided it's just some weekend visitor'. 

'It's bogus' he added. 'That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life'.


  1. I guess they couldn't figure out a way to blame Trump

  2. They are getting bolder and bolder. But that's what happens when a presidential election was stolen; the people's opinion no longer matters. J6r 's can't escape fbi when cameras are literally EVERYWHERE in DC. Cocaine in the WH and cameras EVERYWHERE in, literally the most secure home in the world? "Uh, we are closing the investigation."
    They know whose coke it is. It wouldn't have made it into the building if it was a Biden's. Hunter isn't getting prison time for something that 100% of everyone else would go to prison for. And this was his, 100%. But, again, they are so fuckin corrupt at this point, they don't even give a fuck that we know. Because they don't fuckin care anymore.

    1. "Closing the investigation" = "No probation violation for Hunter"

  3. This is my shocked face. No, seriously. My shocked face. I mean it this time. Totally shocked. Seriously.

    1. Past Shocked Face, past Angry...
      Straight to my Viking Face.

  4. "Furious Republicans" is even funnier than the outcome of the investigation.
    - WDS

  5. Bullshit has been replaced by bidenshit.

  6. The Commies in the White House don't care. They know the Republicans despite some staged push back rhetoric are still dues paying members of the Washington D.C. Beltway club. And if you think ANY ONE of these political hack mother fuckers care about you you better flush out your head gear.

  7. Read it on Gab...
    We ALL know its Hunters coke. If found to be his, he will be in violation of his diversion agreement with the ATF on the pistol paperwork, and be subject to 10 yrs in prison for violating agreement.
    It was do nothing or find a patsy. They did nothing.

  8. SS should loosen the No Guns policy, too. Hunter's going to be Hunter.

  9. So we're expected to believe that they're able to identify, arrest and prosecute every single person that entered the House of Representatives on J6, but are incapable of identifying the one person that dropped off a bag of blow at the Whitehouse?
    Yeah, sure.

    1. every inch of the main floor of the White is on camera 24/7. Somebody "special" left it and we'll never speak of it again.

  10. A tweet from a guy named Eric Matheny, as seen over at 90 Miles From Tyranny-

    "If Hunter possessed cocaine at the White House, his Pretrial Diversion agreement would be violated and he would return to court for prosecution on the gun charge that carries 10 years. That is why he is being protected."

  11. I had to laugh with the "excuse" they used that the location where the coke was found was in a camera "dead spot", so they couldn't identify who placed it there. Who TF are they kidding?

    They just keep piling one lie on top of another. Hopefully, one day, the lie pile will be so big that it topples over and kills the whole family. I won't be holding my breath, especially with vengeance seeking Garland and his crooked Dee Oh Jay running interference and protection.

    So, another government agency gets added to the list of "lost all respect of the American people".

    Keep going Joey. You're doing a great job.


  12. Can't wait for the UFO hoax to really get going.

  13. I can see all the republicans in congress furiously writing letters.

  14. The Party investigated itself. And found itself All Good.

    The Washington Generals are outraged! But find The Party's self-identified investigation outrageous enough, that they will embrace the Noble Defeat.

    What brand of kayfabe is Dylan Mulvaney pimping?

  15. One of the most secure work spaces in the world and they can't discover who did it.
    Either it's a cover up or they're completely incompetent.

    One of the two- no other options.


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