
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Bald & Golden Eagles Sacrificed at the Altar of California’s Green Agenda

California’s legislative Democrats are jamming a bill through to authorize the killing of Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles and other protected raptors, occurring at wind and solar farms throughout the state, all under the guise of helping enable statewide infrastructure projects.

On behalf of the green agenda, a placeholder spot bill, officially now Senate Bill 147 by Sen. Angelique Ashby (D-Sacramento) has prioritized intermittent green energy over wildlife. And it is an “urgency” bill; urgency clause bills go into effect immediately upon their enactment.


  1. You'd think the indigenous Native American tribes of California would have something to say about this unless they're getting a "cut" from the mollification(s).
    - WDS

  2. Protect the eagles...until it is inconvenient to the Green agenda, and then exterminate them in order to continue pushing the Watermelon Environmentalist Green Nude Eel.

    The hypocrisy runs deep in these a**holes.

    It's time to nuke Sacramento...and San Francisco...from orbit. It's the only way to be sure!

  3. From the website Bay Area Science-
    "The San Francisco East Bay area still harbors one of the densest nesting populations of Golden Eagles in the world. Yet all is not well. Aside from development pressure putting the squeeze on eagle habitat, wind farm operations at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area account for a high eagle mortality rate that is unsustainable. In essence, the Altamont represents a population sink to our local eagles."

    Enter Democrat politician Angelique Ashby, who wants to finish them off at $3000 a head.
    What a good little Green Energy toady she is.

  4. How do you kill a California Condor without getting into trouble with the Feds?

    Use a 27kW two-hundred foot tall wind generator.


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