
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Tennessee can enforce ban on transgender care for minors, court says

Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth can go into effect — at least for now — after a federal appeals court on Saturday temporarily reversed a lower court ruling. 

Last month, a district court judge in Tennessee found that the state’s new law banning transgender therapies like hormone blockers and surgeries for transgender youth was unconstitutional because it discriminated on the basis of sex. The judge blocked large swaths of the law from taking effect.


  1. I'm pretty sure that first judge knew the ruling, based on sexual discrimination wouldn't stand. Might have if the argument was age discrimination, but even that's unlikely since the law is applied to minors.

  2. I remember when fathers went to work in the one car the family owned, the mother was a full time housewife, kids didn't have "rights" and the judicial system followed the constitution rather than their personal political inclinations.

  3. many years ago the family had to go through psychological counseling for quite a while prior to a child's (or anyone's) sex change. In many cases this is a mental health problem. Today its done on a whim leading to many trans committing suicide often finding out the change didn't solve the problem, only multiplied it. In the end, another special interest group the taxpayers will fund forever.

  4. Sounds like a law that benefits BOTH sexes.


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