
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Government Spyware on Your Phone? Unfortunately, There’s an App for That

The New Civil Liberties Alliance is challenging the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) in federal court for coordinating with Google to automatically install spyware on the smartphones of more than one million Commonwealth residents, without their knowledge or consent, in a misguided effort to combat Covid-19. A newly-released video details how DPH’s actions have violated fundamental constitutional rights.


  1. How much more illegal can this get before democrats get outraged??????

    1. Yeah right. The "h" in Democrat stands for Honesty.

  2. It wasn't "misguided". It was intentional with a disregard and frankly, a contempt for the opinions of the tax cattle - I mean citizens of the fine state. This is why it was hidden and done in such a way as to prevent it from being stopped.

    Call evil by it's neme and don't let them weasel word their way out of it.

  3. The COVID Tracking app is on my phone without my permission. The phone will not permit me to uninstall it, so I disable the app and wait until the next morning...... then my phone tells me I have a "mandatory" update. After a week of not updating, the phone stops working until I relent, then magically the app is up and working again.
    Welcome to Trudeau's Canadian dystopia.

  4. They might put a wire tap on my land line, but since I only talk treason to friends face to face I'm not too uptight .

    1. You still have a landline? I should talk. I only finally gave mine up about two years ago and only because I was paying $50.00/mth for something I rarely used. I wish I could phone free, but at my age that's probably not a smart choice.



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