
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Nashville Covenant School Parents Push for New Gun Laws

Families from Nashville’s Covenant School have begun a pair of nonprofits and are pushing Tennessee for gun prevention laws such as expanded background checks, secure storage and red flag laws heading into August’s expected special session of the Tennessee Legislature.


“Gun owners even support background checks, safe storage, temporarily limiting access to firearms for folks who are a threat to themselves and others until they can get help,”

You're putting your emotions before facts, partner. I don't know a single gun owner in Tennessee that supports more restrictions on their Rights.


  1. Not a thought of changing their OWN policy and allowing guns at the school. No, don't make yourself a hard target, make everyone else a softer target instead.

  2. None of those things listed seem like they would have prevented what happened. And most of them seem unworkable, like the idea of "temporarily" limiting access, since we seem pretty incapable of identifying folks who are a threat to themselves or others until after the fact. And even if we think we could, those methods would likely violate due process and the 4th Amendment.
    Which is an all too common conclusion when looking at proposed gun control legislation.

  3. The lack of support for more restrictions on folks Rights extends well past the state borders of Tennessee.

    TMF Bert

  4. Be a damn shame if they hold a rally and an armed car-jacker ran them over like those grannies in Waukesha.

    Would they blame the car again?

  5. There's a Montessori school in my town that has on its sign that there's armed security on campus. No threats, no bluster, just informing people who might have bad intentions that they're going to face opposition if they come on that campus with bad intent. If I still had kids that age, I'd consider sending them there.

  6. "I don't know a single gun owner in Tennessee that supports more restrictions on their Rights."

    I wish that was true for my location.

    There are "Fudds" everywhere, even in TN, and many of these people sit in front of the TV, absorbing "news" (propaganda). They have been convinced that "gun violence" is worse than ever and that something should be done. Since they don't own fighting handguns or rifles, only deer rifles and bird guns, and also think no one would EVER red flag their ass, they seriously think they are untouchable.

    My boss here is an avid hunter. Misses work to hunt waterfowl, quail, doves & deer. Has a dozen hunting rifles and shotguns. Has an AR-15 he is afraid to keep loaded (you know how they are...) and a concealed handgun permit, but doesn't carry because everywhere he goes is safe. He firmly believes people should get training and .guv approval before they buy guns, that too many people (he doesn't approve of) can just buy a gun if they want one. He also doesn't see an issue with red flag laws because crazy people shouldn't have guns. I have tried talking to him several times, but he's stuck where he is and would likely be one of those who support more restrictions and .guv interference.

    Until/unless we get control of the narrative, it's only going to get worse.


    1. Let him know that the control freaks have started referring to hunting rifles as 'sniper weapons', and that they are gearing up to outlaw them as well.

  7. If one wants to stop gun crime, then one needs to be armed and able to stop the criminal, crazies, communist/liberal perpetrators. More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is the answer here. Shoot enough of the crazies, criminals, illegals, pedos, and communist/liberals and this crap will end.

    Good people need to stop bad people, it’s that simple. So it follows that any measure that is targeted at limiting the good people to stop the criminals is a recipe for failure and is being done on purpose.

    “Orcs will be sent to get your guns folks. Orcs are nasty dirty simple minded creatures created by the state to do any and all of the states bidding. Find where the orc sleeps at night and kill all in the nest.” From Lord of the Rings.

  8. I still wonder what Covenant Church/School is trying to hide from the public.

  9. The desire of the school and parents to not have the manifesto released is very suspicious in my mind. Deflecting the issue to gun control might be a ruse to hide some sort of very wrong activity that went on at that school or between the leadership of the school and the shooter. I would suggest that until the manifesto and the truth is put out there (that the parents and the school who are all acting together in keeping this manifesto buried) no discussion of anything will take place and further that the school and parents ought to shut up.

    1. We haven't even seen the toxicology report; the only thing MNPD ever said was "No evidence of (street) drugs or alcohol."
      And Gov. Lee is trying to build his proposed Red Flag Law around this.


  10. Emotional reacting to most events, especially ones impacting people’s lives is a common human trait. The trouble is Progressive Democrats use these events to ramp up people's opposition to constitutional guaranteed rights.

  11. Release the manifesto.

    1. Release the manifesto or we call off the Special Session.

  12. My experience is loud proclamations of something are a blazing dumpster file red flag there is something really wrong going on.. "I'm a good Christian" means they are the opposite.

    Maybe grooming and abuse by school staff set the shooter off?


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