
Monday, July 10, 2023

Pro tip: Don't steal if you want to be treated respectfully

A community protested Wednesday after body-worn camera footage of a use of force incident in Lancaster was released earlier this week by officials at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.


  1. Hard to watch? Hell, I watched it several times without flinching. The store called the cops on these two thieving pavement apes, and that's why the other baboons in the tribe invaded the store in protest. Can I assume that they will now take their thieving, protesting, 50
    level IQ (Obama quality) shiftless asses elsewhere?

  2. Sorry. Shoplifters deserve to be dealt with harshly. Ask thieves who steal, under Sharia Law, what happens to them.

  3. Looks like another episode of the ongoing drama of "When Assholes Collide"....
    She has a legal right to be their and to film them, she can say whatever she wants
    as long as she doesn't physically interfere. The cop however appears to have taken
    exception to being recorded and decided to illegally sieze her phone to prevent her from
    recording the incident and then arrested her for "interfereing". I have no doubt the sheboon
    is a criminal in need of time in the gray bar hotel. I also have no doubt the badgemonkeys
    are also criminals who routinely violate people's rights and assault them.... generally with total impunity.

    1. Er, no. You could not be more wrong on a salary.

      She is an accomplice, therefore subject to arrest along with the "suspect".


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