
Monday, July 10, 2023

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - A Tennessee customer’s online "thank you" to a kind young cashier is getting attention worldwide. 

It happened a month ago after the cashier, Hayden, paid for Jason Mosier’s food at a McDonald’s east of Knoxville.


  1. What a kind, generous, and outstanding young man. I'm sure that his parents and God are pleased with him.

    What would have made this story a truly great story would have included an addendum stating that Jason had gone home, got money and returned to repaid this kindness rather than getting a selfie to post on fakebook. I'm not stating that he didn't, just saying the article didn't.

  2. What a sad commentary it is that I get all misty over what should be, and used to be, normal.

  3. A decent, good young man. The country needs millions more like him....God forbid Taylor Swift doesn't hear about him or she'll decide he's her perfect person.

    1. He could be her next unsatisfied lover who gets his own song!

  4. I never leave home without $100.00 , always have , When shopping I carry more , always enough to cover my purchases. And we need more young men like that one .

    1. Hey Victor, where do you live and shop? Asking for a friend.

  5. $8 declined on my credit card? I've been there. In my early 20s I learned about financial responsibility by running up credit cards, taking out a large loan to pay them off, and repeating a few times.

  6. It's interesting that both Ace of Spades blog and Ken have a lot of overlap. Are y'all connected? Nah, hust good people, spread around.


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