
Monday, July 10, 2023

Commentary: Social Conservatism Is Rebounding

It was just a matter of time. Decent Americans have had radical race and LGBTQ+ agendas shoved in their face for too long, and now they are fighting back. Too bad not all conservatives are on board.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan recently said that he was not a “cultural war guy,” contending that he is more concerned about the debt crisis. This is what we would expect from someone who is at home sitting on the board of directors of Fox News’ parent company, Fox Corporation.

Under its founder, Roger Ailes, Fox News network covered what I call the three M’s of conservatism: missiles, markets, and morality. But in more recent times, with some notable exceptions, Fox News has been more concerned about the first two M’s. Ryan’s influence is obvious. Tucker Carlson’s absence is just one clear example.

As it turns out, Fox News is on the wrong side of history. The country is becoming socially and culturally more conservative. Consider three recent Gallup surveys.


  1. U.S. House of Representatives time in office January 3, 1999 – January 3, 2019.
    During Ryan’s concern with the debt crisis, while in office US debt went from $5.6T to $20.2T.
    The boy is a major loser, and now has damaged Fox News to Bud Lite levels.

  2. I used to go to fox for generic world/national news. I have stopped. They are just another CNN. I go to msn now. I know all msn stories are biased so I dont have to figure it out but I do know an event happened. On fox you dont know which stories they are lying on to push the left agenda.

  3. Thank God Ryan never became VP and ultimately go on to become President, the guy is a flaming A-hole and belongs at Faux Nooz

  4. Paul Ryan = RINO.

  5. The day Romney picked Ryan as a running mate I said he just lost the election.
    I mean Ryan lost the VP debate with the second stupidest VP in American history, Joe Biden.
    Ryan was so bad that I read an excellent article on clueless Paul Ryan but I couldn’t find it again because a search for’Paul Ryan clueless’ popped up hundreds of articles.
    How does someone so hated and mistrusted get so much power and clout?

    1. "How does someone so hated and mistrusted get so much power and clout?" I hope this is a rhetorical question. If it's not then substitute the name Biden for Ryan and you'll have your answer. TPTB select who you will vote for, and if you won't vote for them, they will install them anyway. Voting is a waste of time and has been since Ole Honest Abe was a boy.

  6. "Students are being told how racist America is and that they can switch their sex. Both are invidious lies."

    Dummies gonna dumb. And grin.


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