
Monday, July 10, 2023

Deadbeat dads bailing on child support is woke now, per California activists

To make up for slavery, California apparently wants black children to suffer. 

In the entire history of California statehood, slavery was always illegal. Although Spanish colonists had enslaved indigenous Californians and some Americans had brought their slaves to California before it entered the union, upon its liberation from Mexico, California's constitutional convention banned slavery prior to the U.S. admitting it as a state.


  1. Wait until Nick Cannon hears about this.

  2. Cuz we wuz kings nigga

  3. I find it ironic that Juneteenth is right after father's day.

  4. If a woman can give up her child and the rights to that child with no consequence, why can't a man? They even make it easy by providing anonymous drop-off locations at fire stations. The woman will not be required to provide financially for that child.

  5. "they represent around 18 percent of the parents who owe child support debt"

    So, when the pædotranny gangbanging foreign power sneers, "Gimme' yo' wallets!" -- it becomes a moral obligation? They skreech -- you "owe"? What kind of... oh... "by Tiana Lowe Doescher". Never mind.


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