
Friday, July 28, 2023

Scorching current heat waves "virtually impossible" without climate change, researchers say

The fingerprints of climate change are all over the intense heat waves gripping the globe this month, a new study finds. Researchers say the deadly hot spells in the American Southwest and Southern Europe couldn't have happened without the continuing buildup of warming gases in the air.

These unusually strong heat waves are becoming more common, Tuesday's study said. The same research found the increase in heat-trapping gases, largely from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas has made another heat wave - the one in China - 50 times more likely and with the potential to occur every five years or so.



  2. So 60 years ago my father called these summer days 98 98s 98 degrees and 98% humidity. These shit birds need to be rounded up and dropped naked into the Amazon jungle.

  3. Until the civilized countries refuse to talk about the pollution created by China THERE IS NO CLIMATE CHANGE, it is all just politics financed by China.

  4. Holy sheeeit! When I was a kid, we had peak temperatures of 104 in the summer, here in NYC, and the temperatures over blacktop were significantly higher. Guess what folks, it gets hot in the summertime, and some years are worse than others. Yes global warming is real, but it is insignificant in the grander scheme of things.

    In April of 1915, Tambora, a mountain in the present day Indonesian archipelago erupted with such force so as to expel 24 cubic miles of earths and ash into the sky. A major result was that 1916 was the year without a summer, and crops died all over the world due to this catastrophe. The average global temperature plummeted by 0.95 degree F. Snow fell in June in Albany New York, and in Maine.

    I say leave well enough alone. Reducing the US carbon footprint to alleviate global warming is like farting against thunder. China and India have each tripled their consumption of coal, and their economies have skyrocketed as a result, while the energy-starved US is nixing gas and oil pipelines under Let’s Go Brandon, thereby raising energy costs. Investing in nuclear is really the way to go, but the powers that be think it is unsafe. France runs their nuclear programs without a hitch, supplying almost 70% of their national electric needs from nuclear.

  5. Current forecast -75F at Vostok Station, Antarctica. Feels like -120. See, it's a heat wave!

  6. Blah, blah, blah oh and yea more blah, blah..
    July 1936
    Peoria, Illinois reached 106 °F (41 °C), Sioux City, Iowa hit 111 °F (44 °C) (their highest temperature on record), Des Moines, Iowa hit 109 °F (43 °C) (falling one degree short of the record), Springfield, Illinois hit 105 °F (41 °C), and Kansas City, Missouri hit 108 °F (42 °C).
    Burlington, Iowa hitting 108 °F (42 °C) for the second day in a row. In Bismarck, North Dakota, the temperature hit 106 °F (41 °C) and in Aberdeen, South Dakota, it hit 108 °F
    July 6, Steele, North Dakota hit 121 °F (49 °C), the highest temperature ever recorded in North Dakota. this occurred 5 months after the record low of −60 °F (−51 °C) was set in the state. Fargo and Bismarck both hit 114 °F (46 °C). In Moorhead, Minnesota, the record high of 113 °F (45 °C) was also set. The heat continued to spread, with Rockford, Illinois hitting 102 °F (39 °C), and Minneapolis, Minnesota and Grand Forks, North Dakota hitting 104 °F
    There's a lot more but I'm not going to post it
    These so-called climate experts are full of shit.

  7. It's summer, it's hot.
    The percentage of the US to reach 100F this year is currently at a record low 18%, down from 79% in 1936

  8. The more we do away with internal combustion the less productive our society will be. Senator Kennedy ask a climate control representative how much tax dollars it will take to bring carbon dioxide levels down. 50 trillion dollars was the reply. We don’t have that kind of money.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableJuly 28, 2023 at 9:36 PM

      These idiots have no actual data to back up their "Climate change" thesis. Temps were higher in the 1930's and Earth's climate is ALWAYS changing, it's the nature of the planet, and we didn't get an owner's manual ANY attempts we make to change the environment is liable to be a giant runaway fuck up!

  9. Crock of shit.

    Chutes Magoo

  10. Steve the EngineerJuly 28, 2023 at 12:54 PM

    So the warming period that melted the glaciers a few tens of thousands of years ago, around the time neaderthals were hunting Mammoths, gee Batman there must have been a WHOLE LOT of combustion engines, coal fired stuff back then too, huh?

    And then several hundred years ago when there was what is referred to as "the little ice age" - I guess all the people stopped burning fossil fuels for a while, and it cooled off. Do I have that right so far?

    1. Look up “Doggerland” - area between what’s now Britain and France. During the last glacial period it was dry ground, as was the Med basin. There’s a reason artifacts are found pretty far off shore under substantial water.
      So unless the folks of Atlantis and Mu were burning lots of coal, what raised the temperatures enough over long periods of time to melt off mile and a half ice caps?

  11. I say we need to nuke the sun for burning so bright, and demand Democrats legislate an appropriate number of required sunspots.

  12. Here is what NASA says about climate change and natural events:

    It can raise temps for several years! Those damn man-made volcanos!

  13. If you are incapable of defining a woman then there is little to no reason to listen and or believe the same people that have been wrong about climate change for over a century. The idea that carbon on this planet controls the temperature and the giant ball of fire in the sky does not makes perfect sense but only for the cult of climastrology lunatics.

  14. So...we only have five more years before Antarctica capsizes and all the polar bears turn trans? Right, Al? Greta?

  15. This week the air temps were in the nineties, Global Warming.
    Next week is forecast to be in the seventies, Ice Age.

    Chicken Little is getting great cardio running back and forth between the two.

    "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is Environmental Policy".
    "Climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth".
    IPCC official.

  16. In my home town, the years 1893-1903 had highs of over 100. With 1901 being the year with the record high of all time. After 1903, there were other years hitting over 100, but except for a 5 year period in the 1930's, they were all single years broken up with lower temp years.

  17. More horseshit for the gullible. I wonder how much money they think this will get them?


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