
Friday, July 28, 2023

Aren't you starting them a little young, Mom and Dad?

A five-year-old boy high on cocaine shot his toddler brother in the head, as prosecutors charged their parents with neglect. 

The boy, who has not been named, shot and killed his little brother, Isiah Johnson - who had marijuana in his system - in March at the family's home in Lafayette, Indiana.


  1. Don't tell me, joggers, right?

  2. “ Deonta Jermaine Johnson, 27, and Shatia Tiara Welch, 24, . . . “ QED.

  3. Parents: Deonta Johnson and Shatia Welch say white supremacists made 'em do it and they want reperations.

  4. Deonta Jermaine Johnson, 27, and Shatia Tiara Welch, 24, have been charged with parenting while black, which isn't a crime but oughta be, and should carry a minimum penalty of mandatory sterilization.


  5. This is an 80s drug commercial come to life: "Marijuana kills. What happens when it's YOUR child?"

  6. Please sterilize the "parents"

  7. Back in 86 we chased down a sportfisherman off the coast of Fla. While we were in the process we watched as they threw their cargo overboard, bags of cocaine. It was a pair of grandparents, in their 70's, with two of their grandkids on board. I saw some sick shit in my time in the USCG, but that one, yeah......

  8. Is it them again Yogi?
    It's always them Booboo.


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