
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Texas Chili Recipe (Won over 30 Cookoffs!)

 It's the perfect season for making authentic Texas chili, and this award-winning chili recipe has over 100 5-star reviews on the blog, as well as 30 readers who have won their own local chili cook-offs, using this tried and true Texas recipe.

VIDEO HERE  (10:42 minutes)


  1. I was reading a book of quotes a few years ago and an ex-Texas governor, I disremember who, had this recipe for chili. Get your chili started on the stove. Put a steak on the grill. Throw the chili out. Eat the steak.

  2. I always throw in a live armadillo to keep it stirred.

  3. Looks pretty good but it's way to hot for chill right now, maybe by Dec it'll be cool enough.

  4. Haven't tried brisket. I generally use flank or skirt steak, browned in sausage or bacon grease. Some beer, salsa, hot sauce and bacon usually goes in the pot too. I go easy on the tomatoes to avoid sweet-tasting chili.
    Simmer it down to the right consistency for an hour or two, adding some corn flour if needed. Stir in some bourbon and let it cool while covered on the stove. (This is important.)
    It's even better the next day.

  5. It's good chili if a spoon will stand up in it. It's great chili if the spoon dissolves. Kinda like Cowboy Coffee. Start with good, clear water. Then throw a handful of grounds in the pot along with a horse shoe. Put it on the fire. When the horse shoe floats, it's ready.

  6. Replies
    1. If you're talking about kidney beans I agree.
      A few Pinto beans is OK.


    2. BEANS, Miguel? Your mom called, she disowned you...Beans? Sure, put beans in it and ITS NOT CHILI ANYMORE.

    3. Corn??? WTF?

    4. I use what is colorfully called (by Bush Beans Co.) chili beans...probably red beans or pintos in seasoning. I realize that would get me shot in Texas, but it's a Tennessee thing, I think...maybe.

    5. Gotta have beans if it's a bowl of chilli, and a few of these 🌶🌶🌶🌶 .....
      Oh and crackers

    6. I'd guess she's not making Chili con Carne...

    7. Beans? BEANS?

      How to tell when someone just wasn't raised right. I guess it's too late to alert Child Services?

    8. Kenny the beans vs no beans in chilli has always reminded me of the creole/cajun or red vs brown jambalaya. I like both of them. I also like chilli with and without beans.

  7. Looks good, yes, but Texas chili doesn't have tomatoes.

  8. Every beans argument is dumb. Beans good, beans bad

  9. It's 5a. I just finished watching and I want a bowl right now. Beans? I figure bean people would want to throw in some nasty assed sour cream or a glob of avacado too.

    1. No, absolutely not on the sour cream or avocado

    2. I'll add sour cream or avocado on occasion, but then it's a soup and not chili.

    3. Topping with some fresh shredded cheese and chopped green onions makes a nice finish...

  10. The old beans-no beans argument. Look: Cook up a mess of pinto beans. Use the enameled Dutch Oven for the chili, the bare one for the beans. Let them both simmer for hours, but not too long, or the chili meat will dry out. Serve them separately, and look away when the Yankee heathens choose to mix them in the same bowl. Only Progressive Democrats try to get between a man and his chili.

  11. The only beans I eat are navy baked beans. Soak em over night then simmer fer a spell. Then add a lb a salt pork that's been cubed and browned, brown sugar, onions, molasses and cider vinegar are the main ingredents. Course a couple cups of bean water. Then bake them. I don't like runny beans. Put some on your plate juice should not run all over the place. I know of topic but I don't put beans in chilli.

  12. I make the best black bean and sweet potato chili in West Virginia. A bold claim, but likely true. According to the American Chili Association, this is in fact, a chili.

    As for what they eat in Texas :) I like "Sloppy Joe" too. And if they want to call it a chili, it's still a free country, and Texas is still a Republic (if they can keep it).

  13. That tip on using Texas chili powder is a good one. Thanks.

  14. Replies
    1. Yes if it doesn't have beans in it, 😂


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