
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Texas floating barrier on Rio Grande: Mexico files border boundaries complaint over plan

MEXICO CITY - Mexico’s top diplomat said Friday her country has sent a diplomatic note to the U.S. government expressing concern that Texas’ deployment of floating barriers on the Rio Grande may violate 1944 and 1970 treaties on boundaries and water.


  1. Mexico is going to complain about anything that might slow the flow of illegals into Texas. The Mexican government even published a 31-page pamphlet, "Guide for the Mexican Migrant" to help people cross the border illegally. Sadly, our government didn't even consider this a talking point, much less a prelude to invasion.

  2. Fuck these Mexicans!

  3. Yea, piss off with your complaints about how we keep your illegal invaders out of our country

  4. Ask the Russians for help how to stop invaders. And take your lackeys away so we can stop them here, although it is already too late. Eat it, yankees, you destroyed us. We can at least laugh at you walmartian nekulturny rednecks. 1861 was your end, kudos to your long twitching corpse. Next time stay home.

    1. The only people that use the insult "nekulturny" are Russians. And the 1861 American Civil War reference is our end? Wtf, they dose you with MK Ultra over there? You been playing with bath salts perhaps? Spent too much time in Syria? Walmartians lol, man you Russian guys.... Making me giggle damnit!


    2. WTF was all that?

  5. Tell Mexico to go fuck themselves with a cactus.

  6. Abbott should tell them, in his best Darth Vader voice, "I'm altering the treaty. Pray I don't alter it any further."

  7. Remove the barrier after AI quad 50BMG towers are installed every fifty yards.


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