
Thursday, July 27, 2023

The True Cost Of The Lithium Mining Boom Powering Electric Cars

With demand for electric batteries sky high, mining companies are making their move on the salt flats of the Andes, where over half of the world's known reserves of lithium are stored. But local people are concerned about damage to their scarce water supplies and that they will not benefit from the white gold rush occurring in their own backyard.

VIDEO HERE  (15:44 minutes)


  1. Local people in the Andes have no worry whatsoever about their little piece of the planet. The little green men are trying to save the planet, the Andes be damned.

  2. Poor suckers. To survive they better get the DemonRats to bus them up here. Then they can live for free with food, medical, education, housing, clothes, shoes, and what ever they want by saying they will vote for them.

  3. The climate change cult will blow the earth up into a million pieces before giving up their electric batteries. Climate change is covid's second coming.

  4. Piss poor reporting there. Awful reporting. I'm all for calling BS on the 'electrified' future BS but this video was produced with an objective not actual information.

  5. Did the ocean freighter fire carrying 3,000 ev’s….off the coast of the Netherlands sink….????

    I read that one ev battery caught fire and was spreading….because fighting a ev battery fire with saltwater doesn’t work out well….(kinda stupid to ship ev’s across our oceans….ya think.)

    I wonder how bad this ev fire will hurt our climate….????

  6. They are working on batteries that are not based on lithium.

  7. This is a test of the GE capitalist system. The powers that be will exploit the mines, be eco conscious, clean up their mess and pay the fees and personal injury lawsuits without contesting them - just like they ALWAYS do - RIGHT?

  8. I'm sure the boffins will perfect the hydrogen car any day now... Yeah right.


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