
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Humans to blame for about 90% of wildfire ignitions, report finds

California is no stranger to wildfires. However, a new paper published in the International Journal of Wildland Fire found that the blazes have intensified and humans have played a significant role in igniting the flames.


  1. here a idea, just shoot any asshole found lighting a fire. I mean it not like they doing anything good for the country now are they ? besides we never know what other shit they have done and gotten away with. firebugs as a rule have done all sorts of other bad shit before they start lighting fires. dave in pa.

  2. Ban Humans and take matches away from bears and deer

  3. Oh .... are you talking about human-caused wildfires and not global-warming-caused wildfires. You put yourself at risk talking like that.


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