
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Transgender Military Members Are Exempt From Fitness and Weight Standards

Last week, I posted on a hagiographic press release sent out by the US Army Sustainment Command on Major Rachel Jones. Jones, who, according to the Army, is living life “authentically,” is a man masquerading as a woman who spent well over a decade in open violation of Army regulations about transgenderism; see Our ‘Not a Woke Army’ Lauds Transgender Officer Who Broke Regulations for a Decade for ‘Living Authentically.’ At a minimum, “authentic” has now become a meaningless word.


  1. Their excercize routine is bending over at the waist in the shower to pick up the soap

  2. Boot them the fuck out. Military is for killing people that need killing.

  3. Disgusting and disrespectful to our country.

  4. Then exempt them from VA benefits too. Or they can have the Canadian Plan ... assisted suicide.

  5. How many other soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines have been booted out over the years because they couldn't meet fitness standards?
    Can you say "double standard"?

    1. How many were booted out because they refused the clot shot?

  6. they are killing the military. they started with the white rage bullshit, followed up with the vax mandate- which is illegal as hell, but with the right spin- who cares ?
    and now with the mental health rejects all over the place ?
    I don't know about any of you, but I would rather not be in a foxhole with some dipshit like this. and they are around weapons ?
    this like watching a monkey play with a live hand grenade while tired to a chair right next to him. and these fucktards want to start WW3 ? they really do want this country to burn.
    glad I old these days. dave in pa.

  7. To misquote Dean Vernon Wormer: "Fat, insane and lazy is no way to go through life."

  8. Remember when Mattis said you either become deployable in 6mo or you're out? Guess that didn't last.

  9. Well, I for one can tell you who I think will be going in the hole first.
    Just don't tell them it's a spider hole.
    Make sure they are wearing sparkles and a lovely bell.

  10. And mental health checks too, obviously.


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