
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

DeSantis-Backed College Trustees Push Creation of ‘Freedom Institute’ to Challenge ‘Cancel Culture’

The Board of Trustees at the New College of Florida submitted a $2 million budget request to the state legislature Thursday in order to establish a “Freedom Institute” that will seek to combat “cancel culture” in higher education. 

The trustees, a majority of whom were appointed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, say that the new institute will allow for the expression of dissenting views, according to the board’s July 6 meeting agenda, which outlines the proposal for the institute. The institute will also honor a commitment to upholding the right to free speech and will prompt civil engagement.


  1. Just what they fucking need, another $2 million budget item for more govt interference into free speech. You want to combat cancel culture, stop paying attention to crybabies and tell them to fuck off with that shit. No good can come from creating another piece of govt bureaucracy.

    1. You sir! I like the cut of your jib.


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