
Monday, July 24, 2023

U.N. Command talking with North Korea about fate of Travis King, American soldier who crossed border

Seoul, South Korea — The American-led U.N. Command said Monday it has started a conversation with North Korea about a U.S. soldier who ran into the North last week across one of the world's most heavily fortified borders.


Fuck 'im. He made his choice, let him stay. Him being a private, I doubt he has any classified information and if he did, it was very low-level and he's already given it up. Why waste time and resources on somebody who obviously doesn't want to be in the States?
Enjoy your rice, grass, and rat meat, traitor.


  1. Is it too late to send Jane Fonda to join him?

  2. The guy had just finished his South Korea sentence for assault, and was due to be taken back to the States for more brig time and a BCD. Let the Norks keep him.

  3. The NORKs will use the Racist, America is evil platform now they've got Pvt. King. Right now they're treating him like a king as they brainwash his feral pea brain while prepping his world appearance in a Dennis Rodman like pose with that fat fuck leader.

    1. Rodman's daughter plays for the US Women's Soccer Team, who just beat Veet-Nam 3-0. I wanted Veet-Nam to win.

  4. Damn Kenny, why don;t you tell us how you really feel?

    1. I agree with Ken. If you don’t love, leave it.

    2. Kenny tells us every day how he feels because he's not a hypocrite and tells it like it is thanks to the 1st amendment.

  5. The US should refuse to have him returned, let the NORKs keep him.

  6. I'm sure what we'll see next is Susan Rice being trotted out to the Sunday morning political shows saying that "He served this country honorably and with distinction." Biden will probably offer to trade the North Koreans the USS Nimitz if we can get him back. 2024 is coming so Biden will need all of the BLM support he can muster in order to stand a chance.

  7. Yep. He got himself there, he can deal with it. Fuck. Him.

  8. He's useless to the democrats- we don't have any north korean terrorists we can exchange for him.

  9. He probably mis-read the directions to his Medical School classes.

  10. Back in the mid-70s I was stationed in Bad Hersfeld, FRG. Our mission was to patrol the inter-German border. We had only one crosser that I recall in my 3.5 years there. The East Germans took him as a kook, and threw him back. When his buddies and folk in our Border Control office didn't believe him, he went back the next weekend and returned with the East German company commander's lighter with engraved name & unit on one side and unit crest on the other. Any one who's been in the Army has, I am quite sure, seen one of our lighters like this one. We had a good laugh over the whole incident. When I asked him what had happened to him on second trip, he told me that their CO was quite pissed and said if he ever came back, he'd get shipped to a gulag. Still smile remembering this loony.

  11. After seeing how this clusterfuck of an administration dealt with the Brittney Griner incident, lord only knows what they'll trade away for this mutt.
    - WDS

  12. BCE has a good post on this border jumper.

  13. We will trade him for Trudeau, Joe and Hunter, Nancy, Chuck, Hillary and Adam.
    On the condition Kim has them all executed by cannon.

  14. Maybe N. Korea just sends him back, depending on their honor system.

  15. Maybe we can make NK to pay us to take the retard back....... What's an idiot worth these days ?

  16. Only race that oriental hate more than whites are blacks. he'll have fun the first time he trash-mouths "dear leader". which he will sooner or later.s

  17. Since the usa pays nirth korea a cool million for every returned American remains, the norks have a solution available that satisfies all parties.

  18. Maybe North Korea should go back to shooting people who breach their border.

  19. No No No No. We absolutely need to do everything in our might to get him back. Not doing so will get people to start paying attention to the Buyden Mafia. Can't have that.


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