
Monday, July 24, 2023

You know you live in a shithole when.....

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A new anti-theft device is being installed at two San Francisco Safeway supermarkets. 

They are sliding barriers at the self-checkout area that open when a receipt is scanned.

This is an anti-theft device for upscale stores. The article below describes what the ghetto stores are doing.


SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Shoplifting continues to be an issue for stores across San Francisco.

Shoplifting crimes increased by 20% in San Francisco from pre-pandemic stats in 2019 to 2022, according to the state department of justice.

Now, a Walgreens in the city's Richmond District is locking its freezers with chains in response.


Like that's going to help. Shoplifters are brazenly stealing from these stores and the employees are powerless to stop them. What's going to stop a thief from walking up to the sales staff and asking them to unlock the freezer and then helping themselves to everything in it and walking out without paying?


  1. Obama sons have already figured out how to get around this idea. Somewhere in Asia, shoppers stand in front of a monitor and select their groceries. Shoppers pay cashier, then wait for their box of groceries to come down the conveyor belt. Not sure how Obama sons are going to outsmart this idea. A grocery store in Great Britain is developing another impressive version of this concept. The day is coming when welfare rats are going to have to use their EBT cards for groceries. Bad news for drug dealers, tattoo parlors, and drive-by bling salesmen.

  2. Shoplifting increase by only 20%?
    These people deserve a raise. I am sure Crazy Joe is already working on it, making it 30% in just the next few weeks.

  3. oh my. safeway has installed hurdles for the shoplifting event.

  4. I think you will see them walk into the store with bolt cutters to cut the lock or chain on the freezers.
    The barriers won't work either. They will either jump them like they do subway turnstiles, or they will work in teams and just pass the merchandise to someone on the other side of the barrier, or they will pay for one cheap item and use that receipt to open the barrier and wheel out a cart loaded with items they didn't pay for.

  5. Unclezip is still Pointing@laughingJuly 24, 2023 at 9:01 AM

    The Frys (Kroger) stores here have automatic wheel locks on the carts that are triggered by the exit scanners. Seems to work well, as a loaded cart is heavy as hell.

  6. And when the grocery stores close, move out and sell off the property the MSM will whine & cry about how the evil capitalists left the residents in a "food desert". How many times have we heard that?
    - WDS

    1. I remember many years ago, all of the local news were carrying a story about the local politicians and the "leaders" of the black community praising a grocery retailer for opening a large store in the "food desert" part of town. If I remember correctly, the store didn't even last a year before it closed.

  7. The vagrants don't need to shoplift if they just go into the store and start chowing down on whatever foods they prefer.

    And too, why do only some people get food assistance and not others, while everyone gets health care nowadays. Food is a more primary need. Everyone should get SNAP benefits, it's unjust otherwise. (/sarc of course)

  8. they used to hang horse thieves
    saved the costs of housing 'em n' feeding 'em for a 5 year sentence

  9. Down in the Baltimore area, pretty much all grocery stores and most drug stores have moved/ shut-down. The nig-nogs are screeching (oops... I mean "Chimping Out") because the city has become a "food desert". Gee.... Wonder why that is??

  10. There's an "ethnic" (Albanian I believe) grocery in the Detroit area that has a manned - with live ammo - guard tower. They don't have a problem with shoplifting.

  11. Buddy works at Home Depot and the company policy is...... never confront or attempt to stop shoplifters or a robbery . With shoplifters use the company phone that they all have in that orange apron and call management with a location in the store and what it looks like or is wearing. Give robbers whatever they ask for.....

  12. Chains lol, now they'll have glass doors to replace...

    It's not up to the store owner who PAYS TAXES for police protection - with enforcement comes order.

    Instead of order, libs announced (Seriously??!? - no need to fuking announce this unless there was a purpose yes?) libs announced police won't prosecute stealing - creating CHAOS out of order.

    The elites did this to foment more divisiveness between races & to further isolate blacks as biz move away - they say SEE, THE WHITE CORPORATIONS HATE YOU.

    All by fking design, make no mistake anarchy, govt lockdowns & martial law is the ultimate goal (with the accompanying population reduction from said anarchy)

    Have a blessed day


  13. In Canada in the early 80’s there was a store where once inside,
    they had one (1) working model of everything they were selling,
    and it was sturdily chained down.
    Want one? Pull the ticket. Continue shopping. Go to front where tickets were added up,
    And you paid for what you wanted.
    (Then , depending on the size of your order, you could pull your truck up to the side of the store
    And the staff would give you your purchase, and possibly help load it if it was , say,
    a dishwasher.
    Nothing to steal, no way to rob, no access to the back, cheap to run.
    And now…
    Model for the future.


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