
Friday, July 28, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

PACE, Fla. - A Japanese hibachi steakhouse in Florida permanently closed its doors after seven customers alleged they tested positive for methamphetamine hours after eating at the restaurant earlier this month.


Okay, when MH sent this to me, he copied and pasted the section in the article captioned 'What allegedly happened?' and I was laughing to the point I started wondering if this wasn't a parody site. I kept expecting to read, "Then our son took out the trash without being asked for the first time in 8 years."


  1. Holy shit that Kobi steak & sake gave me one hell of a buzz. I just woke up in a washiki toire wearing a kimono.

  2. I saw that story a week or so ago, yep seems legit. Crazy shit

  3. And a good time was had by all…

  4. "I'm not joking about my son!"

  5. Someone substituted Meth for monosodium in the MSG.

  6. I remember a story years ago about a restaurant that was putting cocaine in the food. It was getting rave reviews, and the clientele was upset when they were raided and shut down.

  7. 'Stir Crazy' with Richard Pryor. Weed mistaken for oregano slipped into the salad at a posh dinner party. Hilarity ensues.


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