
Friday, July 28, 2023

Zak gets all the chicks

A 26-year-old man is charged with sex crimes after enrolling in a public school district in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he pretended to be 17, police say. 

Zachary Scheich was arrested Thursday and faces two counts of sexual assault with use of an electronic communication device, which includes any attempt to "knowingly solicit, coax, entice or lure" a child 16 years or younger to engage in sexual activity, according to the Lincoln Police Department. Scheich is also charged with one count of sex trafficking of a minor.


  1. Hey Zak, join the pretender crowd and snuggle up to Dylan who pretends he's a babe.

  2. Whatever happened with the statement 'identifies as'??????

  3. With bona fides like that, look for him to be appointed a position in the kiddie didler administration.

  4. 26 and passing for 17? At 17 I looked more like 26, with a full beard, hairy chest and one forearm tattooed. They really don't grow up today, do they.

    1. I got carded up until I was 31 years old if I wasn't wearing a beard.

    2. Last time I saw a man I once knew he was 30 and had been wearing a full beard since age 18 because without it he looked like a 6"4' 15 year old. I worked the door in a few bars back then and if I didn't know him I would have carded him without hesitation.

    3. Some people are baby-faced. Most people wouldn't believe I was over 16 when I was 24.

      And some are the opposite, like when my stepdaughter was 14 and working in a 7-11. In that state, you had to be 21 to sell beer, but people wouldn't believe she was too young.

  5. That thing doesn't look like he could get laid in a whore house with 100 dollar bills falling out of his pockets.


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