
Friday, July 28, 2023

Queen calls flight attendant a 'waiter', gets flight turned around

An American Airlines flight from New York City to Guyana was returned to JFK Airport after a disruption in which a passenger called a crew member a “waiter.” 

Flight 2557 was bound for Georgetown, Guyana, on July 18 when it turned back to the Big Apple due to the incident involving Joel Ghansham, Guyana’s Stabroek News said.


  1. Fault: Passenger - 25%, Flight Attendant - 75%.
    What the article described is NOT worth turning a flight around. An ego battle that flight attendants should know better than to engage in.

    1. 75% the flight attendant's fault? Do you let people talk to you like that? Or are you the one that talks to others like that?

  2. What a jerk. Thinks he is so important and an elite that he can do and say anything he (although I am not sure what it is) wants. Should have kicked him off while the plane was in the air!

    1. You're deranged.
      They should have murdered him, for calling a glorified flying waiter, a waiter? By that logic, the "waiter" should be drawn and quartered for inconveniencing the other 200 passengers and (however slightly) endangering their lives by making the plane turn around because his ego was bruised.
      Dude(?) should've checked his bag, and FA's have no duty to assist with lifting baggage (in fact the opposite, and if they're injured doing it, they don't get workman's comp or disability etc, and all treatment is OOPocket for them due to airline policy) but turning the plane around over being called a waiter is insane. And apparently the airline agreed because they offered the "disruptive" passenger compensation and an apology. The same passenger you said should have been murdered. Go outside and touch grass, for God's sake.

    2. Are you serious? Don't you recognize a figure of speech when you see one or do you take everything that literally? I'd love to see your reaction when somebody tells you to kiss their ass.

  3. The FJB White House is hiring look-at-me goofballs just like YOU, Joel.

  4. Flight attendants are waiters. Only difference is the location. One is on the ground and the other is in the air.

  5. The margins of profit on flights is pretty thin to begin with. Turning around a plane two hours out is a shitload of money in fuel, not to mention the cost of wasted time and ill will towards the airline.

  6. I have a what I call a "less hassle to just drive" radius which is the distance I'm willing to drive to avoid airports, airline passengers, airline crews, TSA and other forms of idiocy. That radius gets bigger every day. I know a gal who used to be an American Airlines Flight Attendant who quit because of the nightmare it has become. As she always says: "Buh Bye".

    1. My "less hassle to just drive" limit is anywhere I >can< drive. I'll take 3 days to drive cross country (like next week) than the 6 hours to fly. It better be over an ocean - if then - before I go through all that "air travel" hassle. I'm old enough to remember when flying was still "special". It's not now.

  7. I called them Stews 50 years ago when they were young hot babes and I continue to call them Stews today despite the fact most are old fat babes and limp wrist Dylan impersonators. I have a little advice for the lady passenger.. You call 'em waiter you have to tip 'em 20%.

  8. When dandies collide.

  9. Pronouns!!!! The FA probably identified as a waitress or perhaps some other mental illness of their own! How DARE that bitch assume pronouns, so criminal lol

    Kinda funny, cat fight by a couple of faux-bitchy drags, perhaps a good pay-per-view event outta Vegas.

  10. A fair number of flight attendants go out on medical disabilities due to injuring their backs, a fair percentage by lifting heavy passenger bags into the overheads. I don't blame the flight attendant for not putting it into the overhead. Sounds like his reply was a bit snooty though.

    As far as the ability to turn the aircraft around, no, that rests solely with the Captain. That being said, you do need your FAs to focus on their jobs and watching for potential safety issues. If one is so overly concerned with a single passenger that they lose focus, then it might be best to remove that passenger.

    My gut tells me that there's probably a lot that's not being reported in that article.


  11. 75% the flight attendant's fault? Do you let people talk to you like that? Or are you the one that talks to others like that?

    OK Karen.
    While you’re waiting for the manager. Can the rest of us finish our flight?

    1. It sounds like you're the Karen if you condone anybody talking to anybody else like that. There's a thing called respect, something you need to research.

    2. If you f*ck 200 other people over because 1 person spoke to you disrespectfully, you aren't a Karen, you're a narcissist, and a^&hole, and probably a sociopath.

  12. 10,000 miles my ass. Sue them.

  13. Sooooo... a couple of cunts have a pissing contest and everybody else loses. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

  14. They misspelled "queer".

  15. Yawn- just another grifter in woman-face looking for notoriety

  16. The question is, do you really have to deal with that asshole? In this case it was no.
    If the passenger had listened to his mother when she said, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" they would have finished the flight.

  17. Fags sure do seem to like bringing everyone down to their level of dissatisfaction in life.

    TMF Bert

  18. Guy looks rather queer.

  19. So it's been 20 years since I've flown anywhere and drama bullshit like this is part of the reason why.. The airlines are a service industry and the employees hired to work with the passengers are the face of their company to the public... I've never seen the list of their job description but I do know that they once would help you with your carry-on luggage...
    As to this story, , it sounds like a personality conflict and neither were mature enough to be civil, , I do think the " flight steward " overreacted and obviously the airline agrees due to the concessions offered..
    I occasionally miss flying then I see a story like this and just smile..

  20. The article wrapped around what this drama queen says; most definitely there is more to the story. This one is as uncompelling as it gets.

    The pilot had very compelling reasons why to return to JFK. Yet the article focused on the fashion statement by Boi Attention Seeker.

  21. Maybe TSA hadn't felt him/it up enough.

  22. So...
    Was he really he really disruptive or just FAB-U-LOUUUUSSS!!
    (just tryin' to lighten the mood, folks)

  23. Mis-gendering AND mis-stating the server's title? It's the gulag for you, pal.


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