
Friday, July 28, 2023

Commentary: ‘Free Speech Protection Act’ Takes Center Stage in The Fight for the Soul of America

“If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” 

That is what federal judge Terry Doughty wrote in his decision ordering a number of Biden administration officials and agencies from communicating censorship requests to social media companies.


  1. Government cannot regulate itself, obviously.
    It's a swamp.
    We the People are the regulators.

  2. It is sad that the current administration attempted to appeal an order to not reach out to social media to censor Citizens. It is even sadder that we have reached a point that this even had to be thought of, let alone submitted as legislation.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableJuly 28, 2023 at 9:45 PM

      The way I heard it, they DID successfully appeal the judge's order and they're still at it. This is the United States and censorship is for Commies. But when you have a poser president bought and paid for by the Commies, what can you expect?

  3. I don't use social media, no fb, twitter,, Instagram or anything like that. Most of that was created for the purpose of spying into your personal lives, why would any thinking person post photos or videos of themselves or others on the those sites
    I have no doubt that it's a vehicle for controlling people's actions and speech with group think and hive mentality, especially women who are by nature more susceptible to that sort of thing.... Where would all this trans bullshit be without social media controlling the content


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