
Friday, July 28, 2023

Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go

In the video posted online on Friday, the unidentified woman complains that they would not let her use the bathroom — before squatting down and relieving herself on the floor.


  1. Locking people down for six hours or more in a metal tube, with no air-conditioning or toilets - yeah, I'd just shit in the aisle.

  2. Methinks they should use a flamethrower to clean the area she hosed down.

  3. I can't even tell you how many times I've contemplated doing just that. Only times I've actually done so were late nights where the rest stop restroom was locked though. That I'll admit to, anyway.

    Seriously, WHY would anyone lock the rest stop restroom? WTF do they thinks gonna happen, eh? It's not like the sign on the freeway says "closed", now is it?

    John G

  4. The remedy for this incontinent lady is simple. All she needs to do is Kegel exercises daily. After a while she'll be able to go a week without producing a golden shower.

  5. No excuse for flight attendant not taking care of her customer. Why do the airlines now treat customers as adversaries? FA should be fired for not taking care of customer. On last flight, an Alaska FA stopped beverage cart right next to me and made eye contact. I took off mask to order coffee. "PUT THAT MASK BACK ON! OK. Now you can take your mask off." I no longer fly.

  6. Ahhh yes and diversity is our strength 🙄

  7. F all airlines and the way they treat their livestock, er uh I mean passengers.

  8. Pissing, fighting on boat cruises and theme parks and hotel pools; something in common with all these instigators but just cant put my finger on it. Female, yes, overweight yes, not raised right yes, but I am missing something............

  9. I once got stuck in Parade traffic in downtown Baltimore. All office buildings and closed on Sundays. I finally pulled off my t-shirt and squatted down/ took a huge dump right in a storm drain. Wiped my butt with the t-shirt and got back in my car. There was a whole line of stuck traffic watching me go.

    1. 43 years driving truck, All The Time. Side of truck.

    2. Isn't that lovely, your trash, Baltimore that explains your problem

  10. Wife and I used to travel into Manhattan on Thanksgiving to watch the parade (yeah, I know, but we were young and stupid then). A few years back, after the Tsarnaev brothers did their thing, they instituted a rule that you had to assume your chosen spot on the pavement and STAY there until the festivities were over. No leaving and coming back.

    Thanksgiving Day. Drunken revelers filled to capacity with beer and booze. Unable to move from your spot and no bathrooms anywhere nearby. Guess what happened?

    It was even worse on New Year's Eve for the ball drop. Rivers of piss.

  11. WestcoastDeplorableJuly 28, 2023 at 9:41 PM

    Happens all the time at the WM where I work. The women's restroom is much harder to keep clean and the bitches won't stay the fuck out so you can at least try. Not to speak of the kotex boxes...nasty!

  12. Oh yeah, with as many babies she produced , you really think kegel would help.


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