
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Commentary: Biden’s Corruption Implicates the Entire Political Establishment

The basic contours of the Biden family’s corruption scandal have been known for years, but the details have been suppressed. What the public knows, it knows despite the efforts of the media, the Democrats, and the “intelligence community” to bend, twist, and bury the truth. For instance, it is no secret that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son’s business partners. In fact, Biden bragged about it. But in the conventional narrative, Biden was doing this not out of personal interest, but as part of an institutional effort to root out corruption. This is the kind of obtuse, self-serving nonsense that passes for “journalism” today.


  1. The Deep State is now officially a Monarchy and it's us great unwashed that allowed it to happen. We got lazy and our attention to individual freedoms and independent living was diverted with toys and government freebee handouts. Now it's too late to go back. We've made our peasant beds and now we're going to have to lay in the shackels

    1. All sadly true bogside. We have a representative govt. Because it was chosen by the people. The corruption and degeneracy are only reflections in a mirror.

  2. it is incredible. the entire government of the united states appears to be corrupt and treasonous.

  3. Someone really needs to get on this and sniff out all the Biden dirt. Like, how come he won't molest non-White little girls? Ain't never seen him bury his nose in a nappy 'do, have ya? And if he's got yellow fever for Chairman Xi, it sure doesn't extend down to prepubescent slants.

  4. A N D....where are the repubs on all this. A month ago we had a group of repubs eviscerating an alphabet government department head. A couple of weeks ago we had a DIFFERENT group of repubs eviscerated ANOTHER department head. This week we have ANOTHER group of repubs listening to the statements from whistle blowers.
    What is it with the repubs!?!??! Are they tapping out" after a couple of hearings? As if to be able to say to their voters, "I done dooded sumtin whilst in office..."
    My BS meter is elevated and climbing.

  5. Buyden brings in to focus the treason of the current cabal over just the last couple of decades. It also calls in to question the trillions of dollars used to buy favor from other governments across the globe that dutifully returned at least 10% to the big Guy. This is not a Joe problem, or an Obama problem it is a global system of problems used to make the rich even richer, impoverish governments and enrich politicians with other peoples money. This problem can not be voted out of office.

  6. A Joe Biden autobiography is too much to ask for?
    Cutting down cherry trees and lying his way out of trouble as a boy?
    Where did the 81 million votes come from really?
    A children's fiction book will be a bestseller.

  7. Biden’s Corruption Implicates the Entire Political Establishment on a global scale , not just the US. This does not stop at the US shore it is a global problem of influence peddling scheme for personal profit using other peoples money. The evil is in power across the globe and working diligently to enslave everyone stupid enough to agree.

  8. They're all crooks, going all the way back to the founding of the country. It used to be the "spoils system" where politicians awarded .gov jobs to their supporters and got a kickback for the appointment.

    These days they've just mastered the art of covering up the steal. All you have to do is ask yourself how a politician like Sandy Cortex arrives in CONgress flat broke and two years later has a net worth of $30M.

    Remember that trip to Ukraine that Pelosi and a bunch of her congressional colleagues took a couple years ago just after the war started and we had gifted Ukraine with a couple $B? Gotta wonder how many bags of cash they brought back with them.

    Then there's the idiot Bribem bragging, ON TAPE, "Son of a bitch. He got fired." Just goes to show you that Obama was truthful, one time in his presidency, when he said " Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

    I'm just waiting for the proof to come out that Obama was/is just as dirty as the rest.

    Then there's the Clintons, the former grifting champs, until Bribem arrived, selling U.S. ICBM guidance technology to China and U.S. Uranium stockpiles to Russia.

    Let's also not forget that whatever nefarious behavior the Demonrats accuse the Republicans of, we find out later that it was them that were doing it all along.


    1. Obama, Clinton, Biden, et. al., sold (gave) arms illegally in Benghazi to the same terrorists our military was fighting against, that in anybody's book, including The Constitution of The United States, is an Act of Treason. Obama, et. al., sold (gave) arms illegally to organized crime south of the border. Obama is also by definition a War Criminal, see drone strikes.

      There's ample proof of the criminal activity of politicians, but like George Carlin said, "It's a big club, and you're not in it."

      Personally, I think Obama is a dweeb who speaks like valley girl off-script and couldn't back a car out of a driveway, but a puppeteer was pulling his strings, masterfully too. Obama thought it was he who was responsible for what he was doing.

      Trump could've paved the way for them all to swing at the gallows, including the puppeteers, but didn't, because it's all theater. There are no good guys.

    2. They’re all fuckin’ retards……

  9. Facts. Well known, and available for anyone interested. If anything is to be done, it will fall to us. And, as we continue to age, less hope remains. Depressing to see everything we have fade into tyranny. But that's the road we're on, and more downhill every day.


  10. “Debunked “=A democrat said it wasn’t true and the media repeated it 1,000 times. “Conspiracy theory” the actual truth, just 6 months to a year before they are ready to admit it.


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