
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Wednesday's gifs













  1. #2 Good dog
    #3 Smart dog
    #4 His car insurance is going to be exceptionally high.
    #5 Duh dog
    #6 Catcher deserved it.
    #9 Bwa ha ha ha.

  2. #9 - Women just don't "look before they leap". To me, it seems instinctual to put a hand on whatever it is that I intend to sit on or lean against, before applying any weight to it, be it chair, lamp post or car hood. It is also instinctual for my hands to fly up to protect my face should I fall forward. Yet so many people, especially women it seems, don't do that, and end up with black eyes and chipped teeth.

    I am astonished by how frequently I hear of some woman enraged by the fact that her man left the toilet seat up and she fell in. I've never fallen into a toilet, nor will I ever, simply because I am not going to take it on faith that the seat will be there to support me. And especially not when leading with my most vulnerable bits. Yet women seem to do precisely that. Mystifying. Almost as mystifying as the stone solid fact that to a woman under 25, any vertical support is a stripper pole, no matter how flimsy.

  3. #8 “Dont fuck with my kid, kid”.

    1. The goat wasn't going to head butt the kid. They're not like sheep. I see them stand up like that all the time, at each other, chickens, horses, me, or whatever else happens to be near them. I've even seen them do it at bales of hay. They alway just drop down without touching it. There is an exception though. They will head butt rivals when they're in heat.

  4. had a dog like the one in #3. good old Jack. a 20 dollar pound hound. that fucker got out of everything ! even when he was over 13 years of age he was sneaking out. he lay on his side and slide/ pull his ass under the gate (?) to get out.
    when he was younger, he used to break chains and collars like mad. going after rabbits or some bitch in heat. and my uncle in eastern KY. wanted to steal him away too.
    good hunting dog but for rabbits. he thought those where his to have and eat. dave in pa.

  5. Have to say the machinery gifs don't do much for me, and I like laughing when kids are "learning hard lessons" but I love animal gifs as long as the animal isn't being hurt.

  6. #5 That's my dog. She loves popcorn but will she catch it? Fuck no, she lets it bounce off her head then eats it off the floor.


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