
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Commentary: Democrats’ ‘Freedom to Vote Act’ Is the Death of Free Elections

Last month, House Democrats reintroduced the “Freedom to Vote Act,” signaling the Left’s latest assault on American elections with activist support. Far from restoring their integrity, the bill – like the “For the People Act” and “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” before it – is a cynical measure designed to federalize elections and cement Democrat power for generations.

It’s raw, naked tyranny – and Republicans must defeat it.

Restoration News is the first conservative outlet to report on the 600-page legislation, which we’ve detailed below. This is the Left’s blueprint for destroying free elections. Will patriots let them?


  1. The Dems are neurotic, obsessed, smart and focused 24/7 on destroying their enemies who consist of Conservatives and Constitutional America. In the meantime despite being warned most Americans sit around fat dumb and happy cruising the highways and byways in their shinny vehicles, playing with their electronic toys and sating their vicarious needs by watching a bunch of under educated, overpriced bloated monkeys throwing footballs and basket balls.

  2. "Will patriots let them." No. But there are no Patriots in Congress.

  3. I doubt its Constitutional, but that hasn't stopped them for other acts they have passed into law.

  4. The Left wants to rule in every way. They realize that the citizens know they’re cheating, and must implement a new way to control the vote.

  5. And the American people will not do a thing to prevent it.

  6. I got a news bulletin for ya. The so called "election process' is already gone.

  7. Ya know, I don't care what law it is, if it takes you 600 pages to explain it, its a bad law.
    600 words should be the maximum..

  8. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”
    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  9. Never ever judge a bill, especially one generated in the Senate, by its title. Take "The Patriot Act" as a recent example.

    Now to the this vote abortion thing. Article 1, section 4 defines how federal elections are to be conducted and the power of the States to conduct them.

    Any bill proposed by either house of CONgress requires a Constitutional Amendment to change that law. Good luck getting that to pass a court challenge or getting 2/3 of the States to ratify an Amendment. It's all smoke and mirrors.



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