
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Senator Dianne Feinstein is in the hospital after tripping and falling at her home in San Francisco, according to a new report on Wednesday.


  1. She musta went to the same slip-sliding trippin' studio as Ray Ban Joe.

  2. Maybe she tripped over one of her eyebags.

  3. Fell smack on her face again. She started falling young hence she has been ugly a long time.

  4. Take one look at her and it's clear she's had a stroke. Half of her face is drooping and hardly moves. She shouldn't be in office, but her party has mastered the art of propping up anything with a heartbeat and a voting finger. Reliable to a fault, thanks to the minions that do the actual work. Kind of like another doddering old fool that's in office and, to all appearances, incapable of almost all of his duties, and unable to climb stairs or keep from sh*tting his pants in public.

    1. I called "stroke" when the media published the first "post-shingles" photo of her.

    2. From the Babalon Bee:
      "Family Torn Between Placing Grandpa In Hospice And Having Him Run For Senate"

  5. She'll hang onto that seat as long as she can fog a mirror.

  6. Sen. Jessie Helms retired when he became unable to meet his duties. The Left could take a lesson from his example. I miss Helms.

  7. Things been falling in San Francisco for a long time.

  8. "Excuse me Senator, can you -prove to us- that you're ACTUALLY alive and not a fucking corpse?"

  9. Just like what happened with RBG, she'll be kept on ice until the demorats figure out a way to work her death to their advantage. Term limits and cognitive testing for the win.

    1. @Anonymous August 9, 2023 at 11:43 AM

      > cognitive testing for the win

      Then nobody will be able to take an oath of office.

  10. Funeral people will have her looking good again.
    If she doesn't just collapse into a pile of dust and blow away.

  11. The sad thing is....who is in line to take over her seat?

    1. Pretty-Pretty Gavin is Big Sad he can't appoint himself to her spot.

    2. Au contraire. There is nothing in law that says he can't appoint himself. In fact, there are numerous articles out there speculating that this is his plan.

      Here's semi unbiased read on the issue:


  12. For any of you involved in care of older adults, you see the coming decline and likely death. Same for cocaine Mitch. When you start having cognitive decline and falls in your 80s, it portends a poor outlook. Just a fall, no fracture predicts as much as a 30-40% mortality in the year after. Fracture your hip at advanced age, some estimates are as high as 60% mortality in the next year.
    Lots of variables including overall health but numbers are what they are.
    We have octogenarians with cognitive impairment all over the place in the halls of power it seems these days. Perhaps a changing of the guard?...not likely, will just replaced with the next round of criminals.

    1. A hip fracture at that age is an 80-90% mortality in the next year. If I were her, I would not be buying green bananas.

  13. Gavin Newsom wants DiFi to step aside, so he can appoint a female person of color to the Senate seat. Communist/Black Panther acolyte Congresswoman Barbara Lee's name has been mentioned.

    The Democrat Party wants DiFi to finish her term and be replaced by Adam Schiff after he wins the 2024 general election.

    Really, at this point, what difference does it make?

    1. I see what ya did there Elmo...

  14. nasty bitch is still alive, didn't fall hard enough

  15. Fineswein ceded power of attorney for managing her affairs to her daughter within the last week, yet she’s STILL allowed to enter the Senate and VOTE on any bill before that body.

    Remember when the Demonrats wanted to invoke the 25th Amendment against Trump?

    Let that sink in for just a second or two.

    Now the news that she fell down at home and was hospitalized, breifly. No word on whether she banged her head, although, as brain dead as she is, that probably wouldn’t hurt her much and she STILL won’t resign.

    Meanwhile, Gov Nuisance was reportedly seen chasing after the ambulance hoping that it would crash or pulling a Pit Maneuver on it, disgorging its passenger, whose life was tragically ended. (OK, I made that last bit up. However it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if it was true. He’s an even bigger grifter than his Aunt Nasty.)

    Nuisance, however, IS awaiting her resignation, total incapacitation or death, shortly. I’d bet he’s salivating like a half starved wolf at the prospect, it’s so close.

    He wants to appoint himself as her replacement just so he can pad his resume for his shot at the oval next year, not that he’s got a snowball’s chance in hell. Wait’ll Trump starts running ads about all of the “rules for thee but not for me” stunts he pulled during Covid lockdown, once he announces.

    Governor hairdo can’t escape those news stories, not to mention he’s just a plain idiot. Ever seen a politician with a more vacuous smile? Trump’s gonna have a field day with this guy.

    Then there's his ex-wife, now current girl friend of Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle. I'll bet she'll have a lot to say about Gov. Nuisance, none of which will be supportive.



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