
Friday, August 04, 2023

Complains they can't afford all those illegals, yet.....

NEW YORK - Mayor Eric Adams and Governor Kathy Hochul making a big announcement at city hall Monday, about a state and city plan to invest half a billion dollars to prevent gun violence. 

This announcement was focused on investing in communities that have been historically under-invested in, specifically six precincts in the Bronx and Brooklyn, that made up 25% of the city's gun violence.


  1. Well, the head of an anti gun group in the Bronx just got arrested for illegal guns and drugs in his apartment. Two guns, cash and 1.5 kilos of Cocaine. Part of a two year sting operation.

  2. Everything old is new again. Tom Wolfe can tell you what will happen - because it happened when the government tried this kind of plan in the 1960's:

    If you have a few minutes for a fun read: Mau Mauing The Flack Catchers


  3. Uh huh... cuz shoveling money at the dindu's for the last 75 years has been SOOOOOOO successful. Lets shovel more.

  4. Half a billion dollars means that you have an extra $499,000,000 to spend for your buddies. And you get a photo-op announcing this complete waste of money.

    1. Fifty cents says that half-billion is all Free Federal money.

  5. Will Democrats never learn that rewarding bad behavior encourages more bad behavior?

    Strictly a rhetorical question. We all know the answer is "No".

  6. “Logic! Why don’t they teach logic at these schools?” C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

  7. When all else fails, do what you should have done in the first place!


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