
Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Congress breaks for August recess with no clear path to avoiding a shutdown this fall

Lawmakers broke for their August recess this week with work on funding the government largely incomplete, fueling worries about whether Congress will be able to avoid a partial government shutdown this fall.

Congress has until Oct. 1, the start of the new fiscal year, to act on government funding. They could pass spending bills to fund government agencies into next year, or simply pass a stopgap measure that keeps agencies running until they strike a longer-term agreement. No matter which route they take, it won't be easy.


  1. Do you really think ANY of them care? With 435*100 people out there making sure that they vote for the billion dollar pet project of each of the other 534 you can always count on the fact that MORE money is needed.

  2. Seriously, this is like a forever rerun.

    There is no clear path.
    Its gonna get bad.
    Its getting worser.
    'Cooler heads' in Congress propose a plan.
    Rs blame stalwart Ds.
    Ds blame stalwart Rs.
    Majority speaker says he'll stand firm ... the people deserve stedfast representation
    Minority speakers says he has a pla.
    Ds not budging
    Rs not budging
    News report: Calamity in Congress
    News report: Deadline next week
    Rs remain staunch
    Ds remain staunch
    News report: Tomorrow is deadline
    Majority speaker: The minority party is to blame.
    Minority speaker: This is all on them.
    11th hour: we have continuing resolution; the country is safe.

    Rs and Ds: That was fun. Drinks for everyone. We oughta do this again.

  3. If government shuts down and no one notices, how much global warming will it save?

    1. That's 0.22 cubits for you non-imperial folks

  4. We all know that when they return, they'll pass funding and the Democrats wanted 10 percent increases will cry "Cuts to vital programs" because they only got a 8 percent increase, while the Republicans will be "WE had to pass it, the press was making us look like meanies".

  5. Looks like a rehearsal is approprite for a gay porn version of the Barbie flick

  6. Could have included the usual meme with the man and the "not this shit again" for an illustration.

  7. “No matter which route they take, it won't be easy.”

    I think the author means:
    “No matter which route they take, our former Republic’s economy and its citizens will be ass fucked into oblivion yet again.”

    1. Really? You read the propa article on this?

  8. If there is a shutdown, it'll be the most productive Congress in the last couple decades!

    1. If there's a shutdown, those ee-ville Republicans will get blamed for it.

  9. Republicucks. Demorats. Same party, there is no difference in the way they "govern." Or the way they have looted this country.
    These people in Congress, are the worst of the worst in what used to be a great country.

  10. I forgot to mention; Mike Pence, as part of the problem.
    Got booed in his home State of Indiana at a recent Republicuck function.
    Damn they are the Uniparty.
    Bear in Indy

  11. I think democrat mccarthy will use the budget as an excuse not to impeach or do anything to the democrats. His roommate will not let him.


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