
Tuesday, August 15, 2023

DC: Rampant Shoplifting May Lead To Grocery Store Closures, Areas Becoming Food Deserts

I’m old enough to remember when Democrats were very upset about food deserts and complained that there weren’t enough grocery stores in underprivileged areas, that minorities were unable to access to healthy, affordable food. But that’s so last decade. 

Now Democrats are all about “criminal justice reform,” and this seems to mean letting criminals run wild, committing their crimes with impunity. For some reason known only to themselves, Democrats are fine with the results of their going all-in on lawlessness and rampant crime, including the seemingly intentional creation of “food deserts.”


  1. The people, the politicians, their preachers don't give a damn. Why should we?

  2. yup. saw this happen back in philly way too often. last one I remember the last one in the neighborhood
    closed after the lost rate was over 6 grand a month. sad really, there where a couple of good supermarkets back when I was a kid. and a lot of small local shops as well.
    shoplifting has closed down a lot if not all of them over the years. dave in pa.

  3. The mobs can get food at the capital building. They will never starve ,or have thirst.

  4. They are deliberately pushing the savages out to the 'burbs by making them venture further afield to steal the upcoming week's groceries. And naturally, one must carjack a vehicle to get there and back, no? All by design, you may be certain.

    1. And to carjack a vee-hickle, the savages need a gun, right?

  5. Like rats, Obama sons will go where the food is.

  6. and this is with ebt cards?

    1. They're selling their ebt cards to buy drugs or for cash

  7. How come its always the blacks living in the Food Desert. I remember in the 1992 LA riot, the blacks burning stores in their own neighborhood.
    Maybe the like the desert.

  8. Maybe TPTB want this as an excuse to justify pay-in-advance "pick-up only" format for stores. It would eliminate expenses. Walmart would love to have such an excuse to rid themselves of 90% of their employees. You can't be too paranoid or too much of a conspiracy theorist anymore. I just know that everything gets worse from here on.

  9. The Fascist are taking their game plan right out of the NAZI playbook: Create lawlessness so that the people beg for a police state. Hitler emptied the prisons, set the criminals loose on the population, then promised "safety" in exchange for their freedoms.

    1. If the communists, rapists, perverts, transexuals, politicians, etc who are ruining the West are all terrified of Fascism…maybe it’s time to look into Fascism.

  10. Let them all starve.

  11. If there was the certain possibility that the africans would get a 5.56 parked in the noggin for this shit, aaahhhh it would stop. Just sayin.

    Business should up and leave. Close the doors. Then whites can assume positions on egress routes the africans will use and start to pop the fookers in the noggin.

    Hey it’s Provo, UT without threatening the drooling pants shitter in chief.

  12. Around these parts, we have many roadside vegetable stands that rely on the honor system. The produce is set out on a rickety table, and there is a cash box, usually left unlocked so that honorable purchasers can make their own change.

    Unsurprisingly, we have no blacks around here.

    MG in Whitopia

  13. TPTB want to eliminate ALL retail stores. This is just part of the plan. Problem, reaction, solution.


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