
Friday, August 04, 2023

Dianne Feinstein, 90, cedes power of attorney to daughter — but still serves in Congress

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has relinquished power of attorney to her daughter — even as she continues to serve in Congress at the age of 90, according to a report. 

The Democratic senator — who is the oldest member of Congress — has faced calls to resign after health complications kept her away from the Capitol for months earlier this year.


  1. So she cant make personal decisions but she can make landmark decisions for the country. SMH

  2. She may not cast a reflection, but she can still fog a mirror.

  3. Old leftists never die...soon enough. RBG says "hi".

  4. Feinstein is another brain dead puppet like Fetterman in a seat of power. It's happening because the Republicans are dues paying members of the Deep State. Most middle/working class conservatives believe everyone in government is fair and plays by the rules. They buy into the Republican politician's vows to protect our rights scam. At the end of the day we're all social media addicted sheep driving SUVs & Pickups to the abattoir clutching smartphones.

  5. It's a limited PoA, near as the reporting goes, so she's got cover. If it were a general PoA it'd be hard to argue that she's competent. But it's not. So, incompetent or not, this doesn't do it. Bad stuff. We definitely need to have an actual law on the books requiring on a mental acuity exam for every single politician, regardless of age. That test ain't hard- anybody who can pour water out of a boot without instructions will get a 90% or better on it. Minimum age to get elected at least guarantees some life experience, however poor- but without a check on mental capacity, we're going to see more and more vegetables in politics run by their handlers.

  6. Republicans treated a nearly brain-dead Strom Thurmond the same way, and Thurmond went on for 10 years like this. He finally retired in 2003, at age 100, replaced by Lindsey Graham.
    All this really means is that it doesn't matter very much who you elect, both parties are really the uni-party.

  7. They dont have time to rig another election just yet so Fienstien stays.

  8. so she can't manage her own day to day affairs, but she can still serve in the Senate.

  9. The Constitution is for a religious and moral people; it is wholly inadequate for any other.

    (Before any pop off about religion, make sure you understand the term in this context.)

  10. My wife had my POA everytime I deployed so I don't read much into it. However, ol' Diane should have been put to pasture 30 years ago.

  11. I saw a meme the other day along the lines of "People over 70 are considered unemployable because they're in decline, so why are these the people running the country?"


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