
Friday, August 04, 2023

VDH Commentary: The Biden Presidency Is Unsustainable

Imagine if Gavin Newsom was currently Vice President amid the final meltdown of the Biden family consortium.

Does anyone doubt that Biden would then either be forced to resign by Democratic politicos (for reasons in addition to his escalating dementia), or would be impeached and perhaps abdicate Nixon-style?

The presence of the now predictable mediocrity of Kamala Harris and the impossibility, given her race and gender, of removing her, for now is about all that keeps a cognitively declining Biden still in office. The Left fears what she could do as president to the Democratic Party; conservatives are terrified of what she could do to the country.


  1. Joe's evil clown show will fade, but the Deep State is forever.

  2. "The presence of the now predictable mediocrity of Kamala Harris . . ."

    There's nothing mediocre about her maniacal laughter.

    1. "maniacal laughter" just shows discomfort or a weird sense of humor, but, in truth, I don't believe she could possibly be any worse (read: any more embarrassing) than the 'thing' that's currently s(h)itting in the 'seat of power' currently. Governor Nuisance, OTOH, through EOs, could easily further damage our country - and acting extra-Constitutionally could easily lead us into a war with China.

  3. She is not a natural born citizen, therefore can't serve as President. So that leaves McCarthy who can name Trump as VP and then resign. Liberal heads everywhere will explode.

    1. I'm afraid that though Kamala Harris' mother is from India and her father from Jamaica, she was born in Oakland, California, which, though Nuisance was "elected?" Governor, is still a part of the United States of America.

  4. Gropey Joe was The Magic Negro's insurance. Heels up Harris is Gropey Joe's insurance

  5. If kamala were to become president, it wouldn't be any worse then it is now....


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