
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

FDA - Ivermectin still not effective or approved for COVID-19 treatment

(NEXSTAR) — As COVID-19 cases rise across the U.S. — and a new variant emerges —misinformation about treatment or prevention of the disease perseveres. In an effort to combat a flurry of recent social media posts touting the use of deworming drug ivermectin, the FDA is reminding people why it never approved it as a COVID-19 treatment.

“Although FDA has approved ivermectin for certain uses in humans and animals, it has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19, nor has the agency stated that it is safe or effective for that use,” the FDA said on its social channels.


Okay, if it's not effective, why did I spend the entire "pandemic" wandering around living a normal life, not wearing a mask, yet I never caught covid? Shit, I didn't even wash my hands every 5 minutes, nor did I use a disinfectant wipe on my shopping cart handle and horror of horrors, I even touched ATM buttons without going into a full blown panic.
I didn't even get a sniffle the entire time.

Yet here we have the FDA saying Ivermectin wasn't effective while young people are experiencing heart problems and having strokes after taking the FDA approved clot shot.


  1. They didn't say it isn't effective. They said they didn't say it is effective.

    Measlemouth for wanting to insert themselves as still being meaningful. This is their PR campaign to regain relevancy.

    1. If they said it was effective, then the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) that the Covid vaccines were (are?) authorized under would be null and void. I doubt the mRNA vaxxes have passed the full testing that law would require if they were to be used without the EUA.

      More slippery legal bullshit from the FDA and CDC. Next time, we should burn them all at the stake.

    2. C19EARLY.ORG

      The government lies.

      Follow the science - use an ionophore w zinc & vit C D - loads your cells & stops cytokine storm that fills the lungs

      Reality is - wuflu is as deadly as influenza, or less than. Fear mongering colluding media bullshit

      Premade Zstack is great but expensive for the compromised

      Pureblood, had wuflu at least 3 times & still kicking lol


  2. Defund
    Prosecute and incarcerate or hang
    3 steps to fix the government
    Every last swinging dirtbag cocksucker.

    TMF Bert

  3. yeah, about the only time I had to wear a damn mask was going to the VA or some doc appt.
    other than that, didn't do a thing different. funny that one of my neighbor caught the VIRUS
    and acted like he was going to die though. don't have a tv so I didn't have to see the non stop bullshit about it. just seem like a bad flu virus to me if it wasn't for all the hype about it.
    what scares me is how fast people started following the "guide lines" for this bullshit.
    now that THEY know it works, they will use this again on the people.
    here the thing that brothers me, I was with the 101st when the swine flu was a big thing.
    we where to get the "shot" in like 2 days or so. but 5 people died from it and they pulled it
    I guess they thought more about the troops back then? dave in pa.

  4. Same here Ken. Did catch a cold during that time, but it went away in 4 days. Mostly just used it as a prophylactic, & I got 10 years on you- so I’m an old guy…

  5. I would like to know how you were using Ivermectin, was it daily? Weekly? Also what doseage were you taking? Thanks.

    1. I was taking a weekly dose of the liquid Ivermectin mixed in a glass of juice. For dosage and any other questions you might have, go to:

    2. Same here. Have not had a sniffle. There's a farm supply store just down
      the road, Duvet Ivermectin 1% injectable. Get some.

    3. Thanks Wirecutter. I used sheep drench (8%/vol) bought at Tractor Supply when I finally caught the ChiCom flu. That go round made me a believer. Use the same stuff on my dogs. I have come into some pills 12 mg/tablet. Need to read the rest of the comments.

  6. Much info here to use and understand.
    Here's a sight summarizing hundreds of studies and conclude (graph on top) that it is highly effective.

  7. Dear FDA,




  8. The SARS‑CoV‑2 virus that causes COVID-19 was intentionally released worldwide by the CCP in cahoots with the WHO, WEF, CDC, NIAID, and the rest of the globalist elitist scum.

    Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could have easily and cheaply stopped the disease in its tracks and very, very few people would have died, and they ALL FUCKING KNEW IT!

    The media and the medical establishment aided and abetted this MASS MURDER!

    We are being culled.

    1. I've been saying the very same thing for a couple of years, Matthew. The Democrats were in on it and used it to fuck Trump. In addition, 6 weeks after I got a Moderna booster I was diagnosed with acquired hemophilia at 79. I never had a blood problem before. I spent 3 weeks in 2 NC hospitals getting infused with meds that finally reversed my antibodies from attacking my clotting factor. I told my doctors to shove the vaccine up their asses and they'd have to kill me before putting that crap in my body.

    2. Bogs, I remember when your ascerbic wit had been missing from the blogs. Are you saying that getting jabbed (and complications thereof) was the reason for your absence?

  9. "While some studies on ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment do exist and some do testify to the drug’s efficacy, that data is overwhelmingly considered inconsistent, questionable and/or inconclusive by experts."
    And more than likely, these are the same "experts" that said the vax was safe and effective.

    1. Yet my Dr using various meds off label for pain mgmnt, arthritis, migraines were/are perfectly legit.

  10. Tractor Supply is my pharmacist. lol! Seriously I think I had it & treated myself for a week. 4 days later I was symptom free. My wife who is on TPN nearly died from it because of botched surgery she has no digestive system. Next time I will give her shots. I have a couple of other stories, too. One was a nurse in our local nursing home. I'm an old fart, too. 75. I despise most doctors.

    1. -----sounds like yer me-I'm an ol' bastard- I ain't an ol' fart yet!.....

  11. They made me wear a mask on Maui. I moved to Fl, to away from the insanity, and wore one once. It was requested at a small bank cuz a woman was gonna give birth in a couple days. No problem with that atall. Other than that my wife and I did nothing, never had a sniffle. My brother and wife got one shot and they both had covid twice.

  12. I've been taking Ivermectin for some time and continue to do so. My dosage is one cc per 50lbs of body weight once a month. If you have the plague the recommendation is that much for five days straight. Ivermectin is also been found to bind to and eliminate the spike protein if one has had the vaxx. Nattokinase is supposed to bind the spike protein also, while a drug in some countries, it is an over the counter supplement here. Some oncologists have been using Ivermectin as an off the books treatment for cancer tumors as it is supposed to kill them. Especially since a number of the chemo drugs are in short supply or not available at all.
    A large Brazilian city did a test on the prophylactic benefit o Ivermectin during the height of the plague, the dose there was as above but once every two weeks. One hundred thousand taking it and fifty thousand as a control. It was almost ninety percent effective.
    On a more personal note, a close friend knew a couple in their early seventies who both had the long version of the disease and were just completely knocked out by it. He gave them enough for five doses and the man was back to work in three days and the wife recovered at the same rate. Just last week he ran into the wife who was still in good health and making jokes about the FDA decided that doctors could now prescribe it.
    Two foreign areas and Ivermectin, the figures for Northern and Southern Africa for the plague showed high rates of infection, but Central, Equatorial Africa did not. It couldn't have anything to do with Central Africa having the highest rate of Ivermectin prescriptions for various parasitical diseases. The state of Assam decided to not allow the vaxx and went with Ivermectin and had a surprisingly low infection rate as well.

  13. I note that the writer 'cleverly' describes ivermectin as a deworming drug in order to plant the idea to mock considering it's use. I got the liquid form at Tractor Supply and used it prophylactically...but only occasionally...and never had a problem. The woman I was living with at the time picked up the China flu from a client (she's a home health aide) and I gave her a couple of doses and cleared her right up. I slept in the same bed and...nothing. Go pound sand CDC. It's past time to lock and load, says I.

    1. Paulie, you noticed that. What's infuriating is most people don't, at least consciously.
      And that is what the media is counting on. Therefore, it is up to them who notice to inform them who don't.

  14. No jabs here. Caught a cold, then lost my sense of taste and smell. A few days of the IVM protocol and I was right as rain. A goodly supply of the stuff is in my emergency stores.

  15. I have been taking the horse paste for 3+ years. Tractor Supply is my pharmacy. I take it at the same rate per pound as they recommend for horses and cows. Once a month. Shoot the paste into a shot of orange juice and slam it, do not stir it. Haven't had so much as a sniffle in 3 years. I'm 72.

  16. I echo the editorial comment that you posted below the article's summary, Ken. The only difference being that I never took Ivermectin. I mainly followed Ol' Remus' advice and stayed away from crowds. I also took my vitamins and zinc.

    Barnhart's article is excellent. Everything you need to know and nothing you don't. And since this can't be mentioned enough,
    "ONLY THE 1% INJECTABLE solution or the horse paste may be ingested. Period."

    I got a kick out of my last visit to the dentist. There used to be a note on the front door "Masks Required". Then you'd go inside where the receptionist would take your temperature, ask you some questions ("Have you ever had... Have you been vaccinated... etc.) be asked to use hand sanitizer and then take a seat. This last time there was no sign the Plandemic ever existed. It made me feel smarter than the guy with all the degrees on the wall.

    1. Luckily for me, I didn't have to deal with crowds or Karens, both of which are in short supply here. The only time I caught a hard time over it was when I took Lisa to the doctor in Gallatin.

  17. There's a little family owned Ag store about 1/4 mile away from my home that I've been buying from for so long they automatically move towards the meds counter when the see me walk in.....

  18. Made it through the entire #electioninfection #wuhanlungaids BS with daily ivermectin, benadryl, quercetin and zinc. Changed no daily behavior, never wore a mask.🤷‍♂️

  19. And the same folks complaining that the Ivermectin proponents may have been funded by Ivermectin companies are paid millions in honoraria by Pfizer, Moderna, and others. And they directed money at the Chicoms to develop these bioweapons in insecure labs. Anybody else read about the recently discovered impromptu labs in CA?

  20. I did not comply with the 'pushed' vaccine. I eat healthy, take vitamins and avoid crowds. I didn't get sick and was never living in fear like most of the idiots we call our fellow citizens. Most of them wanted to kill those of us didn't comply. Ironically it is THEY who are having so many on-going health issues.

    I am 80 and will not comply.

  21. 2 experts fauci-com silenced - look them up!

    World renowned cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough
    & inventor of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone

    Joe Rogan interviewed them both - DO NOT MISS looking them up & hearing what they say - Rumble is great venue to search them out


  22. Final comment - FDA says they were just kidding, they didn't block IVM use (more lies)

    "The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas in Galveston, argues that the FDA has overstepped its authority and unjustifiably interfered with their medical practice.

    The plaintiffs, Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul E. Marik, and Robert L. Apter, are contesting the FDA’s portrayal of ivermectin as dangerous for human consumption...."

    Trying to take Dr licenses, stopped the pharmacy from dispensing - fkoff lying POS fkers INTENTIONALLY KILLED people

    Not hyperbole, straight up murder. MASS MURDER, premeditated & continues today via the gene altering novel mRNA clot shot


  23. Couldn't get ivermectin where I live. It was vitamin C, D, and zinc for me.

    The worst I ever had was a case of the sniffles for a day after spending an hour in the car with my multi-vaxxed brother. This was right before his THIRD Corona bout, which left him bedridden for a few days.

    In Canada, Trudeau has taken to saying things like "nobody was ever forced to take the shot" and "we need to stop with this hate-filled divisive inciteful talk" after threatening all of us who didn't take the shot (going as far as seizing bank accounts of those who opposed him) and flooding the airwaves with hate-filled divisive and inciteful talk.


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