
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

No to Economic Slavery

I’ve been referring to September as a month to watch when it comes to the complete economic disaster that’s about to befall the Western world. That’s not to say that it’s all going to blow up in September, but September will be the start, the boiling point at which any and all future additions will increase the likelihood and severity of an explosion.


  1. Global Digital Currency is on the horizon, folks. Gird yer loins cause nothing's gonna stop it. Paper & coins will be eliminated and that means total control by the elite classes.

    1. Total control until someone comes up with a way around it ... someone has always comes up with a way around it.

  2. As the article says, refuse it. I know people with pensions, if they are not lost will be paid in CBDC, but there will develop a thriving market where CBDC is not accepted. Stock up on trade goods.

  3. The collapse of the Dollar as a trading currency worldwide has been predicted many times before, and has never materialized simply because it, while not a stable as anyone would like, is still more stable than any other form of currency. See also the supposed Ruble taking over for the PetroDollar....the Ruble has collapsed in the wake of the Ukraine war.
    There may be a currency that surpasses the dollar for trading internationally, but not anytime soon. I'd not bet the farm on it.

    1. The Federal Reserve Note has not collapsed, because The United State's genocidal colonial rulers have previously succeeded in throwing American bodies at challengers in sufficient quantity to kill them. It seems Putini is unwilling to newk Nue York. But he's not dead yet.

  4. Meh. TPTB will sell it to the sheeple, normies, and cucks as economic security. The American Rubes will buy it. Pathetic.

    1. They will trade with "bad" money, because brave, smart, an heroes will hoard "good" money. Rather than use it.

  5. September is looking bad from a number of view points.


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