
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

RINOs Surprised? Biden Administration Stabs Gun Control Partners in the Back

Moderate members of both political parties are criticizing the Biden Administration for its recent move to defund longstanding scholastic archery and hunter education programs under a recently passed gun control law.

The programs, which have no demonstrable connection to crime or violence, are the latest innocent victims of the misnamed Bi-Partisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).

The episode reinforces two critically important lessons that any pro-gun legislator should remember. One: there is no such thing as harmless gun control. Two: Moderates who join forces with anti-gun extremists will eventually be embarrassed by the partnership.


  1. He doesn't want future generations (if there is a future) to know how to fight back.

    1. "Fight". You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means.

  2. Democrats are neurotic, obsessed control freaks and the Democrat infantry marches in lock step voting. There's nothing they will not do to destroy America. Inch by inch they are chipping away at the constitution while their club member partners, the Republicans are spinning the tripe, "We gotta play fair and reach across the aisle".

  3. Replies
    1. McConnells. Quislings surrender. McConnells fight against their own allies. Synonyms: McCains, Romneys...


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