
Friday, August 04, 2023

Fucking California...

The State of California has adopted a rule that will require tiremakers to find a new alternative to a chemical that is currently in use that has been found to kill an endangered salmon species.


DTSC Deputy Director Karl Palmer said 6PPD has played a crucial role in the safety of tires on California’s roads and there is currently no widely available safer alternative.


What I wouldn't give to hear all the tire manufactures unite and say, "Fuck you, you don't like our tires, don't buy them. Walk everywhere from now on," and then immediately stop shipments to California.


  1. If we had 50 SOVEREIGN states and NO federal government, this would NOT be an issue. But we don't, so it will become an issue for everyone nationwide...count on it.

    1. I agree with you, but Kenny is absolutely right.
      Every one of these 'California only' things should be a hard pass for every company.

    2. But just like with the smog equipment for cars, the manufacturers will acomodate the Californians and then inflict it on the rest of the country, needed or not.

  2. Tires kill more people than guns every year.

    1. I don't know about tires, but Tyrones sure do.

  3. Understanding a little about the way kalifornia politicians 'think', expect a new law soon where a new prop 65 sticker must be put on a tire for each roration.
    One issue though is that if you touch a prop65 sticker you can get cancer, so the sticker needs a sticker.

  4. I keep hoping for gun makers to tell California the same thing. Or to just stop selling to California completely, no cops guns, no parts for their repair, no ammo, nothing. Then see how long it takes the state to reconsider the error of their ways.

  5. can we assume that every dead coho was autopsied to determine cause of death? and how is it possible that salmon drive cars anyway?

  6. Another way to get people to stop driving cars

    1. Agreed. Make up an impossible regulatory goal and simply eliminate the product you don't want to be used. Guns, cars (and their necessary components), non-electrical sources of energy - they are all targets, because they give us freedom.

  7. Not to worry we won't need tires for long because Musk's gonna add a "Luke Landspeeder" to it's 2024 EV model line.

    1. How the hell am I supposed to do burnouts in a landspeeder?

  8. Long past time for reasonable Liberal Control! We don't want to ban them just make sure they are neutered and leashed.

    1. Give the trans movement a free hand and they will neuter themselves. No, wait, they start with children. Can't we just arrest them for thought crimes, like they do to conservatives?

  9. The simple solution is to keep endangered salmon from working in tire shops....

  10. Yep, tire manufacturers just need to tell CA "Actions have Consequences" and "You find an alternative and get back to us".

  11. I hope the major manufacturers tell them to fuck off and they're stuck with some cheap Chinese knockoffs.

    1. They won't do that,because the chinese products contain more adverse chemicals! Simple really;no oil=no chemicals=no tyres=no plastics===No Nothing.

    2. Steel wheels don't contain 6PPD. Just saying.

  12. I've been saying the same thing in regard to the oil companies and WA and other states.
    They need to start calling their hand....tell Gov Inslee they will start shutting down the Cherry Point and other refineries with an aggressive closure date announced. Tell them petroleum product distribution will immediately stop, anything produced at the refineries until they are shut down will be moved to other friendly states, the mini-mart gas and other gas stations they own will shut down once inventory is sold, etc.
    This shit would stop within a couple of months, and I would be willing to put up with some short-term hardships to get them to come to their senses, although I suspect the idiots in charge would welcome it wholeheartedly.

  13. Will this apply to bicycle tyres?
    Ah is a Brit.
    How many fish choke on condoms? Now there is a crusade that a fair proportion of Californians will get behind. Or swallow.


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