
Friday, August 04, 2023

Shit. They're back.

Two Tennessee politicians who were expelled from the state legislature for protesting in favor of tougher gun control won re-election on Thursday, ensuring their return after four months of turmoil. 

Justin Jones, 27; Justin Pearson, 28; and Gloria Johnson, 61, became known as the Tennessee Three after they faced censure by the legislature for their rowdy April protest on the floor of the House. 

Their protest came days after three nine-year-old children and three adults were killed in a Nashville school shooting.


The fact that they won their seats back doesn't surprise me because, well, Nashville and Memphis. 
What does surprise me is that the author of this piece in the leftist Daily Mail forgot to capitalize the letter "B" while leaving the "W" in lower case when describing their races down in the fourth paragraph. 
Heads are gonna roll over that oversight.


  1. Gun Control does not stop gun attacks. I worked my way through college starting in 75 in the Black Slums of South Central Los Angeles. I am white and was on a multiracial phone crew for 4 years, we were attacked, saw shootings and killings. Black on Black crime is the worse, Black crime to other races is the next worse.

  2. These two bozos won't learn. They'll do something stupid again, and -having established the precedent- will get thrown out again. Wait for it.

  3. Joggers gotta jog....

  4. Just what the Tennessee Legislature needs... two young Al Sharptons.

    And I disagree with anonymous 11:42; they'll be untouchable for the rest of the time they're in the Legislature because racist.


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