
Wednesday, August 09, 2023


NEW YORK - State senator Andrew Gounardes and assembly woman Emily Gallagher have proposed a new bill that would install "speed limiters" in vehicles. 

Drivers caught speeding with six or more violations in a year would have the device installed, ensuring that they could not exceed the speed limit by more than five miles per hour.


  1. "Drivers caught speeding with six or more violations in a year" 6 fucking times in 365? I'd skip the speed limiters and go for the lethal injections

    1. Lethal injections? Care to tell me how you were injured by all these speeders?
      Did they damage your car? Did they run you over and somehow get away with only a speeding ticket? Did they plow into your house and magically only get a speeding ticket?

      I guess I just don't see how someone else speeding injured you or damaged your property.

  2. Here's a novel concept. Six speeding violations in a year, take their license away and if caught driving without, put them in the slammer. It's hard to speed in a jail cell.

    1. New York already has license suspension for 3 speeding tickets in 18 months or 11 “points” on your license in that timeframe.

      This legislation is useless and counterproductive. I like the comment to throw the driver’s ass in jail if he is driving on a suspended license. We have a law like that now, but no one enforces it. Recently they prosecuted a guy for driving with his license suspended 45 times. Unless you are in his category, you just get issued a ticket and no one checks any further.

    2. The caveat 'If caught'. This sort of explains how someone can rack up six DUI violations and still have a valid driver's license.

  3. There is no reason, with our current level of technology, that the gubbmint can't install radio-controlled speed control devices in all cars that will respond to solar/wind-powered transmitters/signallers installed on all roads. You vill no longer have any control over the accelerator!!!
    No need for "radar guns" or police waiting by the side of the road to "catch" you exceeding the speed limit and giving you a ticket/points.
    This way their time will be better spent hauling in (into court) "looters" who will then promptly be released by a presiding judge .

    1. They already install speed limiter devices. At least as far back as 2010.

  4. How about you government nanny assholes bite me? How about that?

    1. Best retort I've seen in months. I'm stealing it, but I'll give you credit - or buy you a round at your favorite watering hole.

  5. "THEY" already speed limit semis. I hate those things. All they do is create an obstacle to get around.

    1. We also have dash cams that read signs, it's tied into the truck computer and electronic log book tablet. All that stuff reports to a safety program app. My driving score is monitored by insurance company, it's all about safety ( law suits) and it's coming soon to a vehicle you drive soon.

  6. Stick the speed limiters and tickets up your exhaust pipes,
    useless NY knuckleheads.

  7. Andy Gonads and Emily GagHer FOAD. Throw the repeats in jail. It really is that simple.

  8. Fuck Joe Biden.....

  9. On a long, lonesome highway, south of ... Well, in South Texas, in a stretch with no towns, no side streets, no on or off ramps, nothing but fields, pastures, cows, snakes and the occasional swamp, the speed limit changes 6 or 8 times within a 10 mile stretch from 70 to 55 to 65 to 50 to 70 for no discernible reason. In several locations along that stretch the road maintenance crews inexplicably forgot to trim certain trees and bushes, leaving multiple blind spots big enough to hide a (patrol) car. But hey, it's us speeders that's a problem, not johnny law.

    As long as the local po-po benefits from writing tickets, tickets will be written regardless of whether there's any threat to public safety. Only the presence of my wife prevented my arrest one time, as I was this fricking close to telling the officer that no, speeding is not a fucking danger when the definition of speed is whatever the fuck he decides with no regard to the road, traffic, or time of day.

    And any box they build to put on cars will quickly be hacked and removed from cars.

    1. Law enforcement should never be used for revenue generation.

  10. Fuck this new technology. If they speed that many times, take their license. If they drive beyond that, throw them in jail. Simple!

  11. Wow, all these "throw 'em in jail" types must be the bitchez -literally- who ride my ass while yacking on their smartiephon while I have the cruise set 5-7 over to start with, and never,ever, pass me, even when nobody else is coming for miles and miles. Hell I was running 80 in a 70 last week on the interstate and was passed like I was sitting still.

  12. If I was caught speeding 6 times in a year, my license renewal would be a few thousand dollars with my 30 new demerits. That's plenty of deterrent right there.


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