
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Is NPR Trying To Start A Race War?

The government-funded pundits at National Propaganda Radio (NPR) seem to have a toxic fixation with race. 

On Tuesday, the outlet blamed the success of American country music on racial prejudice. In a podcast episode titled “How racism became a marketing tool for country music,” NPR brought on a historian to outline the myriad ways country music is a vehicle for white supremacy. The host, Britany Luse, introduces the episode by previewing questions to Amanda Martinez, a country music historian at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Luse wants to know “how country music became this symbol of racism” and why country music stars remain popular despite artists who currently lead the charts “peddling racist rhetoric today.”


  1. oh yeah, like Charley Pride, uh huh.

    1. Darius Tucker is another great artist.

      Charley Pride's "Missing You" helped me get through the dark times when my grandson died.

  2. Npr is a leftist piece of shit tool now. Fuck npr and all the media that supports tearing down America.

    1. Now? Has been for as long as I've been alive and aware of them.

  3. YES! The short answer to your question.

  4. Only Whites can "appropriate" those precious few benign or positive things that blacks are notable for, such as cornrows or the odd musical selection. Straightened hair, lightened skin, and western clothing adopted by blacks are exempt from claims of appropriation. Sail foams, Playstations, laptops and myriad other electronic gadgets that blacks use on a regular basis are somehow NOT "appropriated" from the overwhelmingly White creators of these technologies.

    But covering "Fast Car", with all due royalties lavished on the black carpet-muncher who originally recorded the song (strumming a White-invented acoustic guitar on White-perfected audio technology) is oppression that is reparations-worthy as it is an assault against all black people, everywhere.

    Ok, got it.

  5. Of course Nazi Progressive Radio wants a race war. "Let's you and him fight" is their primary MO.

  6. Yes. NPR no longer has any journalistic integrity on any topic. They way they report climate change, the 2020 election, gun rights, Christians, Covid19, etc., makes them sound like the propaganda arm of the far radical left. Now, would be a good time to totally remove all Federal funding for NPR.
    Richard in Colorado

    1. No longer?... when did they start having any to lose?

  7. Cowboy Troy is racist to the core. 🤣

  8. NPR is just Fedral Gov’t Propaganda, means zero to people with working braincells.

    Bow and take the knee your Ok,… for now.
    Refuse…and your a Racist.
    Yeah..we got that years ago.

  9. I happened to hear the program on Its Been A Minute. I was amazed at how this so called expert painted with a very broad brush. She would take one line of a song or one statement from an obscure artist and apply it to the whole genre. One example was that country music is popular in the south where the KKK originated, so the music has racist origins. I like some of the programs like Ted Radio Hour and Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. But lately even they are becoming more left/liberal.

  10. Growing up, the dad of a friend of mine really enjoyed Charlie Pride's music. One day, we bought him an LP for him to have for himself. I recall it had Charlie's picture on the front. Buddy's dad asked who was the fella on the cover, and we said it was Charlie Pride - we thought he would say something about the obvious. "Well, I'll be." A few weeks later, his dad had travelled to the city and purchased a few more LPs.

  11. Divide and conquer. It's what they do. A vital part of their machine.

  12. Dirty Dingus McGeeAugust 9, 2023 at 2:02 PM

    Country music is racist but rap however is cultural expression and ok.

    Learned something new today.

  13. No mention of rap/hip hop?

  14. no one watches npr

  15. Next week. The East Asian viewpoint on being the target of choice for teens. And how their privileged skulls bruise the knuckles of deprived teens.


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