
Friday, August 04, 2023

I'm guessing he didn't get his rent money

FOX 2 (WJBK) - A Pontiac landlord found two tenants passed out from an opioid overdose - but luckily he got to them just in time-to call 911. 

Police officers who responded were able to use Narcan to save both of their lives.


  1. Save their lives for what? So their dealer didn't lose a blowjob and some $$?

    1. I was going to be more positive about it and ask if anyone has turned their life around after being saved by narcan? I know several people who have turned their life around after being heavy in the drug scene. Each and everyone of them decided for themselves that they wanted to live a sober life. No one forced it on them.

    2. People try to come back from stuff like this, but it's a hell of a road.

      I feel like too many people don't realize how often an opioid addiction starts with someone trusting their doctor or hospital not to prescribe them drugs that will destroy their lives.

  2. If we want to get rid of overdoses, shouldn't Narcan be made illegal?
    The left: take anything you can find, we'll save you.

  3. Fentanyl is the new gene pool bleach.

  4. Is there some cheap substance that reacts violently with Narcan that we can use to cut drugs? Surely having an OD screaming 'No Narcan!' over and over would be fucking hilarious.


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