
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

NBC Admits New Hunter Probe 'Could Damage Biden Pretty Seriously'

Sunday’s Meet the Press was the first since Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel to oversee the investigation into Hunter Biden. Due to this big news, it was impossible for moderator Chuck Todd to ignore the mounting investigations into Hunter Biden’s multiple crimes and he was therefore forced to discuss it with his assembled roundtable. Things got so dire for the assembled leftists that one of them admitted the investigation could damage Biden “pretty seriously.”


  1. Hard to wake someone up when they are pretending to be asleep.

  2. Can't damage him enough.

  3. I am calling BS. This is a build up to an anticlimax. There will be half hearted investigation, a nothing indictment, and no real prosecution. In the end, the libs will circle the wagons and say: See, there was a huge investigation and nothing was found. Yet, DJT will be summarily executed for jaywalking on the afternoon of his inauguration celebration.

    1. Exactly, the real ILLEGAL cover-up has begun.

    2. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 17, 2023 at 7:49 PM

      Weiss can't legally be the "Special Prosecutor" because he's already a part of government. The idea is to bring in someone unbiased and not bribe-able.

    3. Sure glad to see all of the Republicans challenging the appointment and the obvious illegal action, warms my heart and gives me hope,

  4. A POS IS POS as is kin


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