
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Teacher Shortage

As “Back to School” season descends upon America, the national teacher shortage is becoming more acute. Across the country, school districts are scrambling to fill open positions, and many of them are having to accommodate uncertified teachers and pay for their “fast-track” alternative certification programs. This has even been the case in my own well-heeled school district. Only a few years ago, administrators could demand that applicants be fully certified and have multiple years of teaching experience; now, many of the new aspirants are fresh out of college with no experience in the classroom beyond their own days of being a student at one point.


  1. Replies
    1. Absofuckinlutley! Homeschool is the ONLY way to do it today. I will homeschool my grandkids if I have to rather than submit them to commie govt. indoctrination by green haired fat unfuckable groomer pansexual dykes.

  2. "Black to school". FIFY.

    So we are now experiencing "teacher deserts" in those, um, special zip codes where you'd have to be a certifiable idiot to sign on as a teacher, a cop, a fireman, an EMT. Pretty much any position that involves herding feral savages and dealing with their pathologies. Color me shocked.

  3. Have you seen some kids behaviour today? Who would WANT to work like that? I'd rather dig ditches. Nevermind one of them tweaks and assaults you, then sues you in civil court when you try to defend yourself, which you'll lose, because otherwise they'll riot and burn the city down in the name of justice.
    ..... yeah man, fuck that.

  4. There might be a shortage in urban areas where feral kids have the run of schools but here in my rural county there are only 2/3 teaching jobs open.

    1. How do you fill 2/3 of a teaching job? Now if the fraction were 3/5...

  5. Tried to rea it all. Stopped at "cloying culture". A meaningless term to me. Lots of other complex words and phrases.

  6. The entire nationwide gulag of government day prisons needs to be shut down. ONLY a fully competitive, free market in educational services, including charity schools, private voluntarily funded scholarships, home schools, neighborhood schools, online schools, etc can ever deliver the accountability and quality that parents, students, and society requires.

  7. Weird that there's. Shortage of teachers, we have the lowest number of students in years. We have several schools in districts with less than half the classrooms in use. Why is there a shortage?

  8. This is not a problem at all. Thousands of democrat pedophiles are waiting to do the job.

  9. I have recently retired after 25 years teaching at a nicer suburban district. A public school is a condensed version of it's community, with all the same problems. America is in trouble, so why should public schools be immune?

    Liberals say that schools need more money, but few of them appreciate just how high the per pupil spending is.

    Teachers say that we need better parents, but you have to teach the students you have.

    My recommendation is that we abolish the federal Department of Education. Their budget is about $1500 per public school student, but they don't have any students. Administrators have turned into regulatory compliance officers, just trying to satisfy the mandates from the DoE. If they no longer had to get teachers to jump through a bunch of hoops, maybe they'd try to do something productive.

    It might not be any better than our current situation, but it could hardly make things worse.

    1. Good idea, but the numerous administrators need to be culled as well.

  10. My college schedule is still being shuffled around one week out from class and one professor is still missing; though the convocation was today so that should sort it out soon.

    Hopefully I make for a passable liberal and am able to parrot whatever diatribe is required to get my degree and get out. I suspect this will be more of an exercise in self-control and abstain from tongue-lashing people. Likely my math class will be the only one not woke.

    - Arc


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