
Monday, August 14, 2023

Our Nightmare is Their Utopia

The United States is just waiting on divorce papers, the separation is already here.

In the part of this nation controlled by communists like Antifa and BLM a defense attorney can openly declare herself to be a member of Antifa and (during a civil suit between Antifa and longtime Antifa nemesis Andy Ngo) tell the jury that she will remember their faces long after the trial and that isn’t considered jury tampering, obstruction of justice or threatening a jury.

How is that any different from a defense attorney looking at the jury and saying: “I work for a powerful crime family and they know where each of you live.” ?


  1. I think most people fail to understand that the government *is* the mafia.
    Don't pay for your police department, fire department, schools, and roads? It'd be a shame if something were to happen to your a gang of armed criminals broke down the door and locked you in a cage like a dog or murdered you in order to sell all your shit to pay your mafia debts...

  2. During the time of universal deceit those that dare to utter the truth will be punished.

  3. Bitch gave Andy cause for appeal on a silver platter, but he was doomed as long as the trial was in Portland (Antifa-land)..

  4. I think what's worse is that 90% of the people (who are able to read English) are aware of this and when something happens to a neighbor or an aquaintance they just say:
    "Well, I'm sure that's not going to happen to me! I'll just install new locks on the doors, bars on the windows, and I won't go shopping downtown anymore. "
    I think it's time we began to hang horse thieves again - in public!

  5. America’s cancer has been growing uncontrolled for many decades. Now single individuals cannot change the Evil government. If a few get together and plan to change the Evil government chances are one is an FBI informant and the rest are hung out to dry. More than a few get together whoop & holler about the Evil government and they get the January 6th treatment. The "good" elites are gone and the "Evil' elites are running the show. Resistance is futile. 1984 has arrived.

  6. Got news for her. Her face will be remembered as well...

  7. In Florida, our governor just fired a State Attorney that was pro-BLM and didn't prosecute. First thing she did was hold a news conference and, yep, held up the BLM fist of approval.

  8. This reminds me of story I once heard from a mobster named Tony Napoli (son of Jimmy.)

    In the 80s, someone raped his daughter at a NY university, and after some cajoling he got her to point this person out to him, so he and his friends chased this guy all over the campus before catching up to him in a crowded classroom, and he said with a straight face: "So we fell into this auditorium...if we had fallen left it would have been an empty room, but we fell right and there were all these people there, and they all saw me jam my knife into this man's asshole, but they they all came to realize that I was just a man defending his daughter, and they would have all done the same, so they chose not to testify."

    A huge difference was he actually was doing the right thing and making the world a better place, whereas BLM and Antifa terrorists exist only to destroy it.

  9. As this whole drama plays out in the nation I'm reminded of the movie "High Plains Drifter". It seems like all the Blue cities and states have to willingly destroy themselves in order to save themselves from the crimes they have committed as an atonement for their sins. It's interesting and entertaining to watch the self-immolation.

    1. Good analogy! Same for every shithole country we give money to, to the very people who are doing the most damage. Stay home, revolt and take your land back.

  10. Did you know that revolvers do not leave shell casings behind?

    1. Well..... unless you have to reload, and with the number of freaks out there now walking the streets, reloading is a forgone conclusion.

  11. My attitude about my posts and comments has changed.
    I thing we need to establish a warning of the likelihood that a given comment or meme will result in an FBI murder raid.
    We should call it the "Robinson Scale" or RS. Mentioning "hot civil war" inside a comment might be somewhere between a .1 and a .5 RS.
    We should avoid directly saying the name of any democrat or the title of a Federal Office holder; which would be a .75 RS at least.

    If you read the posts that Robinson wrote did you think to yourself, "I've said worse".


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