
Monday, August 14, 2023

Time to call in the army?

WASHINGTON - On Tuesday afternoon, Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White held a news conference in Southeast by the scene of Saturday’s mass shooting on Good Hope Road.

White called on the entire community to help stop the surge in violence that has led to a 28% increase in homicides in the District. 

While he said it’s only a "piece" of the puzzle, the council member said he supports possibly calling in the National Guard to help patrol the streets. 


So their bleeding heart policies have failed so badly that you have a council member talking about bringing in the National Guard to take care of their total and complete clusterfuck.
The problem with that is, they'll place so many restrictions on the National Guard to protect their 'disadvantaged citizens' that they'll be nothing more than walking talking targets.


  1. Start with high bail for new arrestees, no bail at all for habitual felons, and max duration sentences for all convictions and you might start to control crime.

  2. The Bolsheviks weren't very enthusiastic when Senator Tom Cotton suggested the same thing to stop the BLM/Antifa antics three years ago.

  3. If only there were a general right to bear combat arms, open to all grown men of sound body and could call it a militia, dispense with expensive standing armies and foolish foreign adventures.

  4. Restrictions - I'm sure that if they allow the National Guard to pass out enough flowers then everything will turn up all unicorns and skittles...

  5. The only solution is for Pres. Putin to pop a nuke over Washington D.C. and save America from that swamp along the Potomac River

    1. Be a shame to destroy all those museums though...

    2. Remember Carter's neutron bomb? Buildings left intact.

    3. well, yeah. that is something I have said for years now. kind of wish old Vlad would drop one on DC and another on those Davos assholes when they all there.
      I bet it would solve over 90% of the world's problems. dave in pa.

  6. Yes, they really are that stupid.

  7. Not a swamp. Sewer.

  8. If you're going to call the Guard, don't fuck around. Call the Ohio Guard.

  9. DC is back to step 1!
    Step 1. Black community complains about the crime and demands the police to do something.
    Step 2. Police do something, which involves arresting young black males.
    Step 3. Black community claims racism and the police should back off enforcing the law.
    Step 4. Crime increases and gets even worse.


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