
Monday, August 14, 2023

Police stage ‘chilling’ raid on Marion County newspaper

MARION — In an unprecedented raid Friday, local law enforcement seized computers, cellphones and reporting materials from the Marion County Record office, the newspaper’s reporters, and the publisher’s home. 

Eric Meyer, owner and publisher of the newspaper, said police were motivated by a confidential source who leaked sensitive documents to the newspaper, and the message was clear: “Mind your own business or we’re going to step on you.”


Newspaper's co-owner, 98, collapses and dies after being left 'overwhelmed' by 'Gestapo-like' police raid

The co-owner of local newspaper the Marion County Record has died after being 'traumatized' by a police home raid that was green-lighted to seize information on a story that hadn't even been published. 

Joan Meyer, 98, collapsed and died following the intense stress and grief she felt when her home was raided by the entirety of the Marion Police Department in Kansas. 

The elderly woman, who co-owned the newspaper with her son Eric, was subjected to the raid by five officers and two sheriff's deputies on Friday - which caused her to be 'stressed beyond her limits and overwhelmed by hours of shock and grief.'


  1. Looks like Orcs aren't confined to megalopolis entities nor alphabet soup agencies.... I wonder if the spirit of Quantrill is still around those parts.... or, where's Josey Wales when you need him?

  2. Well, it saves them having to shoot her like the FBI did. What is America coming to/.

  3. What do you think they knew about Hillary? Had a pic of Mikes dick maybe?

  4. In the long run I believe the paper will end up owning the town of Marion.

    1. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 14, 2023 at 6:14 PM

      IMO they SHOULD! What a pack of idiots.

  5. Sounds like the police should be charged with negligent homicude

    1. According to J6 justice, if you collapse from the heeby-jeebies, you's been murdered.

  6. Lawyers across the land headed for Marion ! Sue the bastards dry .

  7. "It’s going to have a chilling effect on us even tackling issues,” Meyer said, as well as “a chilling effect on people giving us information."

    That's the whole point, Eric.

  8. Pigs doing what pigs are going to do; is it any wonder why they are hated and relentlessly loathed by Americans? Charge every last one of the squealing slimes with murder in the least and hand down the strongest sentence to Kari Newell. Freedom of the press shall not be abridged, regardless of who it is and constitutionally enshrined rights must be upheld.

    People still waving those damn thin-blue-line flags need to figure out which team they want to be on; a man can't serve two masters.


    1. "People still waving those damn thin-blue-line flags need to figure out which team they want to be on"

      They're waving the flag of their team. If that's too complicated, (quote riffing) "Here's yer sign".

  9. Cops, Local, State & Federal are by nature are control freaks. That's why they sign up for the job. They may question orders from above, but they follow them. It's the elites who give the orders. Up till a while back the elites generally didn't cross the line or had a backup cover to use. Now the Progressive elites don't give a shit and I wouldn't be surprised if Martial law is declared before the 2024 election.

  10. Not owned by Murdoch....a capital crime!

  11. Didn't get sold to corporate paper. Nah, just a coincidence.
    Steve S6

  12. Sounds like it's about time to make their police put up "Help Wanted" signs...

  13. Gee, the cops usually respond to 911 calls.

    Sure hope nobody sets up ambushes and traps.

  14. In their defense, she was 98 so a sneeze could have killed her.

    If I was associated with that paper, I'd take this as an act of war and would dedicate every resource I could spare into digging up any little piece of dirt I could find on that police department and sharing it with the world. It seems they have a lot to hide.

    1. One of those, "I take this as my personal mission" kinda things right there.

  15. Keep your eyes on Newell. She seems to have too much clout in that county. She is dirty.

  16. It sounds like the Marion County Police Department was into some illegal shit, and had to pull an FBI-stunt to steal it back.

  17. Update in daily mail says they were investigating the chief of police for corruption, and he had them raided.

  18. Did anyone notice that the county attorney is Ms Newell's business partner or relative. That is what is at the bottom of this shit show.


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